An Atlas of Jennings County, Indiana
James M. Lathrop / J. H. Summers
Jennings County (Ind.)
A Method for Determining the Color of Agricultural...
Benson H. Paul / C. A. Plaskett / Charles Nicholas Ainslie / Clarence Elbert Clement / Dorothy Nickerson / Edward Mackay Chace / Emilio Pepe Meinecke / Franklin Thomas Cowan / George G. Ainslie / James Johnson / James Stanley Mathewson / John A. Newlin / Joseph Hubert Priestley / Laurence Victor Teesdale / Lewis Bertie Olmstead / Lorraine Joseph Markwardt / Louis Guy Michael / Oliver I. Snapp / Ralph Wylie Frey / Raphael Zon / Ruric Creegan Roark / Samuel Trask Dana / Whitney Coombs / William Gustavus Wahlenberg / William White / C. S. Trimble / H. S. Swingle / Calvin Grant Church / Charles F. Swingle / Ira Doup Clarke / John Martin Gahagan / Lyle Thomas Alexander / R. D. Garver / R. T. Cotton / Harry Lawrence Wilson / Howard E. Middleton
A Catalogue of the Bibliographies of Special Subje...
James Lyman Whitney
Bibliographical literature
Building and Ruling the Republic
James Penny Boyd
American Immigration
James Ciment / John Radzilowski
出版Routledge, 2015-03-17
9781317477174 / 1317477170
Biography & Autobiography
The Dictionary of Western Sculptors in Bronze
James Alexander Mackay
A New English Dictionary on Historical Principles
James Augustus Henry Murray
English language
The United States
James Wilford Garner / Henry Cabot Lodge
United States
US: A Narrative History, Volume 1: To 1877
James West Davidson / Christine Leigh Heyrman / Brian DeLay / Mark Lytle / Michael Stoff
出版McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages, 2008-12-04
The Horse and Deer Flies (Diptera, Tabanidae) of T...
James T. Goodwin
The Random House Encyclopedia
James Mitchell / Random House (Firm)
出版Random House Reference, 1990
Civil War!
James Irvin Robertson (Jr.)
出版Knopf Books for Young Readers, 1996-03-12
0679881115 / 9780679881117
New American Encyclopedia of Social and Commercial...
James Edward Homans
Encyclopedias and dictionaries
Private and Official Correspondence of Gen. Benjam...
Benjamin Franklin Butler / Sarah Jones Hildreth Butler / David Glasgow Farragut / Abraham Lincoln / Jefferson Finis Davis / Edward Everett / Nathaniel Prentiss Banks / E. Hasket Derby (Jr) / Edwin McMasters Stanton / Henry Wager Halleck / John Cabell Breckinridge / Andrew Johnson / Richard Taylor / Peter H. Watson (fl. 1862) / Charles Sumner / Edward Davis Townsend / Richard S. Fay (Jr., fl. 1861) / Juan Callejon (fl. 1862) / Amedie Conturié (fl. 1862) / George Coppell (fl. 1862) / Fisher Ames Hildreth / Gustavus Vasa Fox / Montgomery Cunningham Meigs / George Bailey Loring / William Henry Seward / Edward Lillie Pierce / Salmon Portland Chase / William H. Wiegel (fl. 1861) / Joseph M. Bell (fl. 1862) / George Crockett Strong / David Dixon Porter / James S. Whitney (fl. 1862) / Lorenzo Thomas / George Foster Shepley / Paul Rolfe George / Jacob Barker / John J. Cisco (fl. 1862) / James G. Carney (fl. 1862) / Robert S. Davis (fl.) / V. Kruttschnidt (fl. 1862) / J. Ad. Rosier (fl. 1862) / Donald MacNeill Fairfax / Stephen Thomas / Reverdy Johnson / George Stanton Denison / J. A. O. Griffin (fl. 1863) / John Wesley Turner / James Parton / William Alexander (fl. 1863) / Adam Gurowski / Jonas H. French / Spencer H. Stafford (fl.) / John Wilson Shaffer / Alfred F. Puffer (fl.) / Thomas Bangs Thorpe / Estwick Evans / Josiah Burnham Kinsman / Henry Champion Deming / Daniel Butterfield / John Francis Appleton / Meriwether Jefferson Thompson / Charles Francis Adams (Sr.) / Francis W. Bird (fl. 1864) / J. F. H. Claiborne (fl. 1862) / Fred Martin (fl. 1864) / Daniel Ruggles / John Wolcott Phelps / Thomas Overton Moore / Frederick Holbrook / Daniel Richardson (fl. 1862) / Neal Dow / William Newton Mercer / Charles Jackson Paine / H. W. Palfrey (fl. 1862) / J. Bailey Myers (fl. 1862) / Asa S. Blake (fl. 1862) / George William Childs / J. N. Victor (fl. 1862) / Moses Bates (fl. 1862) / Chistopher Parsons Wolcott / W. T. Seacock (fl. 1862) / Henry Rust / Sidney S. Norton (fl. 1862) / Dwight Foster / Franklin H. Knapp / Walter G. Robinson (fl. 1862) / José Manuel Dias de Herrera (fl. 1862) / Rudolph T. Lux / J. L. Pinot (fl. 1862) / G. W. Killborn (fl. 1862) / Robert Wilson Shufeldt / J. M. Fortenberry (fl. 1862) / James Winning McMillan / Laura Pugh (fl. 1862) / J. F. Girault (fl. 1862) / Truman K. Fuller / B. F. Coxe (fl. 1862) / Walter De Peyster / Carlos Pierce (fl. 1862) / D. W. McMillan (fl. 1862) / Mrs. G. M. Shipper (fl. 1862) / Chandler R. Merrill / Charles Heidsieck / Jeremiah Hurly (fl. 1862) / Joseph Smith Fowler / Thomas W. Cahill (fl.) / John O'Brien / William T. Eustis / E. H. Perkins (fl. 1862) / Kendall Holbrook (fl. 1862) / J. A. G. Fisher (fl. 1862) / Christian Roselius / Henry Copeland (fl. 1862) / Alexander I. Pevie (fl. 1862) / Sister Santa Maria Clara (fl. 1862) / Thomas S. Burbank (fl. 1862) / Baron Frederick Gerolt (fl. 1862) / J. George Brown (fl. 1862) / Joseph Elliott (fl. 1862) / A. Chartant (fl. 1862) / W. M. Wainwright (fl. 1862) / Thomas C. Donaldson (fl. 1862) / John C. Hamilton (fl. 1862) / A. Piaget (fl. 1862) / Maximilian Ferdinand Bonzano / Thomas McKean Buchanan / Charles S. Bartles (fl. 1862) / Richard Yeadon / William Tyler (fl. 1862) / P. H. Morgan (fl. 1863) / Thomas Dawes Eliot / William Walton Murphy (fl.) / Emerson Etheridge / H. M. Fuller (fl. 1863) / Richard Grant White / Reuben C. Hale (fl. 1863) / O. C. Gardiner (fl. 1863) / Isaac Ironside / Edwin J. Davis (fl. 1863) / Stephen M. Allen (fl. 1863) / John Edward Bouligny / Hannah K. Lovering (fl. 1863) / David Tod / Joseph Pannell Taylor / Thomas Shields (fl. 1862) / J. Kruttschnidt (fl. 1862) / Henry W. Morris (fl. 1862) / John T. Ryan (fl. 1862) / M. Mithoffas (fl. 1862) / William L. Green (fl. 1862) / Emile H. Brie (fl. 1863) / pseud. She Adder (fl. 1862)
Private and Official Correspondence of Gen. Benjam...
Benjamin Franklin Butler / Blanche Butler Ames / Sarah Jones Hildreth Butler / Ambrose Everett Burnside / George Brinton McClellan / David Glasgow Farragut / Abraham Lincoln / Gideon Welles / Winfield Scott / John Sherman / Edwin McMasters Stanton / Charles Sumner / Gouverneur Kemble Warren / Simon Cameron / Rush Christopher Hawkins / Edward Franc Jones / John Andrew (fl. 1862) / H. Adams Ames (fl. 1861) / S. M. Felton (fl.) / Thomas Holliday Hicks / John W. Garrett / George William Brown / Marshall Lefferts / David W. Wardrop / Craig Biddle (fl. 1861) / J. G. Abbott (fl. 1861) / William J. Palmer (fl. 1861) / David Hyde (fl. 1861) / Henry Flagg French / Edward Davis Townsend / Schuyler Hamilton / William Schouler / A. G. Browne (Jr., fl. 1861) / D. H. Williams (fl. 1861) / Richard S. Fay (Jr., fl. 1861) / Blanton Duncan (fl. 1861) / R. A. Pierce (fl. 1861) / Benjamin Pond (fl. 1861) / John B. Cary / Laura W. Pearson (fl. 1861) / Juan Callejon (fl. 1862) / Amedie Conturié (fl. 1862) / H. F. Watts (fl. 1862) / George Coppell (fl. 1862) / Lewis Golding Arnold / Francis Alexander Durivage / Fisher Ames Hildreth / John Ellis Wool / Montgomery Blair / Abram Duryée / Laura Wright Hildreth / Gustavus Vasa Fox / John La Mountain / Ebenezer W. Pierce / Montgomery Cunningham Meigs / John Bankhead Magruder / Laura Winthrop Johnson / Andrew Jackson Butler / John Adams Dix / Hugh Judson Kilpatrick / George Bailey Loring / William Von Doehmy (fl. 1861) / Max Weber / Lewis Tappan / Thomas Alexander Scott / C. C. Churchill (fl. 1861) / Samuel Barron / A. O. Brewster (fl. 1861) / Erastus Fairbanks / William Alfred Buckingham / Bailey Myers (fl. 1861) / Jarvis W. Dean / William Henry Seward / Benjamin F. Larned / Edward Lillie Pierce / Salmon Portland Chase / George Henry Gordon / William H. Wiegel (fl. 1861) / Joseph M. Bell (fl. 1862) / Israel Washburn / George Crockett Strong / Charles Russell Train / David Dixon Porter / John Carver Palfrey / John L. Riddell (fl. 1862) / G. F. W. Claiborne (fl. 1862) / Catharinus Putnam Buckingham / James S. Whitney (fl. 1862) / John T. Monroe / Lorenzo Thomas / John D. Sanborn / Caleb Cushing / John Ryan (fl. 1861) / George Foster Shepley / R. I. Burbank (fl. 1862) / Paul Rolfe George / Henry Washington Benham / Peter Thacher Washburn / George Sewall Boutwell / John McCluskey (fl. 1862) / Thomas Williams / A. C. Steede (fl. 1862) / W. Mitthoff (fl. 1862) / Otto Presspuct (fl. 1862) / Jacob Barker / James Denegre (fl. 1862) / John J. Cisco (fl. 1862) / Edward Page (Jr., 1835(?)-) / James G. Carney (fl. 1862) / Peter Haggerty (fl.) / Robert S. Davis (fl.) / V. Kruttschnidt (fl. 1862) / J. Ad. Rosier (fl. 1862) / Wills. L. Miller (fl. 1862) / Dwight Bannister / Richard Lloyd (fl. 1862) / William Lanfear (fl. 1862) / Peter H. Watson (fl. 1862) / J. C. Cooper (fl. 1862) / William B. Eaton (fl. 1862) / C. A. Slocomb (fl. 1862) / John L. Lewis (fl. 1862) / Fitz John Porter / Charles Pinckney Kirkland / Thomas Drew (fl. 1861) / Polycarpe Fortier (fl. 1862)
Private and Official Correspondence of Gen. Benjam...
Benjamin Franklin Butler / Sarah Jones Hildreth Butler / Julia Gardiner Tyler / Ulysses Simpson Grant / David Glasgow Farragut / William Tecumseh Sherman / Abraham Lincoln / Sydney Howard Gay / William Lloyd Garrison / Nathaniel Prentiss Banks / Edward Everett Hale / Edwin McMasters Stanton / Henry Wager Halleck / Wendell Phillips / Charles Sumner / Gilman Marston / Simon Cameron / Cyrus Ballou Comstock / Edward Davis Townsend / Richard S. Fay (Jr., fl. 1861) / Fisher Ames Hildreth / Montgomery Blair / Gustavus Vasa Fox / John Adams Dix / George Bailey Loring / Edward Lillie Pierce / Salmon Portland Chase / George Henry Gordon / David Dixon Porter / Henry Read (fl. 1862) / Godfrey Weitzel / Horace Greeley / Edward Otho Cresap Ord / James Abram Garfield / August Valentine Kautz / David Bell Birney / James Grant Wilson / William Pitt Fessenden / John George Nicolay / David K. Carter (fl.) / John Wesley Turner / James Parton / Hiram Barney / Adam Gurowski / John Wilson Shaffer / Alfred F. Puffer (fl.) / Alexander Hamilton Bullock / Oliver Otis Howard / J. J. Walker (fl.) / J. K. Herbert (fl. 1864) / George Amos Kensel / Estwick Evans / Josiah Burnham Kinsman / David Heaton / John Aaron Rawlins / Hanson A. Risley (fl. 1864) / James Jourdan / Erastus Wright (fl. 1864) / Nathaniel Gookin Upham / Alfred Howe Terry / John Henry Martindale / Rufus Ingalls / W. P. Webster (fl. 1864) / Edward Wilkinson Kinsley (fl.) / William Batchelder Greene / George Wilkes / D. W. C. Farrington (fl.) / John Henry Upshur / Henry Norman Hudson / George B. Way (fl. 1864) / John B. Ochiltre (fl.) / Francis W. Bird (fl. 1864) / William Claflin / William Eaton Chandler / Morgan Dix / William Cullen Bryant / John Elmer Mulford / Thomas March Clark / Henry Whitney Bellows / Edgar Conkling (fl. 1864) / E. W. Dunham (fl. 1864) / John Aiken Stewart / Yardley Warner (fl. 1864) / Frank I. White / Peter Lawson (fl. 1864) / William R. Findley (fl. 1864) / Sidney B. DeKay (fl.) / Charles Anderson Dana / Henry M. Turner (fl. 1865) / John Lord Taylor / George W. Lane (fl. 1866) / John I. Davenport (fl.) / Charles Whitlock (fl. 1865) / Benjamin Franklin Wade / Alonzo Granville Draper / Burnham Wardwell (fl. 1865) / John Clark (fl. 1865) / F. A. Angell (fl. 1865) / William H. Nicodemus (fl. 1865) / S. J. Hollensworth (fl. 1865) / George S. Dodge (fl. 1864) / R. H. Williams (fl. 1865) / Joseph M. Day / Harris Merrill Plaisted / Thomas Jefferson Durant / Thomas W. Conway (fl.) / Alexander Troup (fl. 1865) / Thaddeus Stevens / Eugene H. Gilbert (fl.) / Charles Curtis Gookin Thornton / B. O. Tyler (fl.) / James Brady / Sarah Willis Eldredge Farrington Parton / John K. Hackett (fl. 1864) / William B. Wooster (fl.) / William H. Merriam (fl. 1864) / C. E. Frost (fl. 1864) / H. Bronson (fl. 1864) / John Alexander Kennedy / James W. White (fl. 1864) / August De Peyster (fl. 1864) / Frank W. Ballard (fl. 1864) / George F. Dunning (fl. 1864) / L. P. Nash (fl. 1864) / Charles B. Danby (fl. 1864) / James Harrison (fl. 1864) / William H. Duckworth (fl. 1864) / W. W. Wardrop (fl.) / R. G. Usher (fl. 1865) / D. D. Bulman (fl. 1864) / Charles Kinnaird Graham / Edwin Greble (fl. 1865) / Benson John Lossing / Fred Martin (fl. 1864) / Abram P. Ely (fl. 1865) / C. A. Watson (fl. 1865) / Mary Tyler Peabody Mann / John F. Rich (fl. 1865) / James W. Schaumburg (fl. 1864) / Jacob Hart Ela / E. L. Barney (fl. 1865) / Ezra Baker (fl. 1864) / E. F. Jones (fl. 1864) / Samuel Wilkeson (fl. 1865) / George Whipple (fl. 1864) / William Augustus Nichols / George J. Gross (fl. 1864) / R. D. Mussey (fl. 1865) / John Wilson (U.S. Auditor's Office, fl. 1865) / Charles Lowe (fl. 1864) / W. S. Green (fl. 1865) / C. F. Winslow (fl. 1865) / Horatio Wright (fl. 1864) / Mrs. M. A. Ware (fl. 1866) / Joseph W. Thomas (fl. 1865) / Joseph Williams (fl.) / Charles A. Page (fl. 1865) / John N. Harper (fl. 1866) / Jesse H. Lord (fl.) / Andrew Devine (fl.) / William Wilson (fl.) / John Lovell Cunningham / Charles William Baker (fl. 1866) / W. Lithgow (fl. 1864) / R. McMurdy (fl. 1861) / Theodore Shelton Bowers / E. W. Whipple (fl. 1864) / Innis Newton Palmer / Goldwyn Smith (fl. 1864) / John Cunningham Kelton