作者 | Richard Charles Coxe / Anthony Buller / Augustus Campbell / D J. Evans / Edward Forbes (incumbent of St. George's, Douglas.) / Edward White Benson (abp. of Canterbury.) / Fletcher Fleming / George Hills (bp. of British Columbia.) / Henry Cheetham (bp. of Sierra Leone.) / James Dixon / John Bacchus Dykes / John Edward Cooper / John Gibson Cazenove / John Keble / John Thomas Burt / John Turland Brown / Philip Hedgeland / R. W. Dale / Robert Speckott Barter / Theophilus Fitzhardinge Campbell / Thomas Legh Claughton (bp. of St. Albans.) / Walter Farquhar Hook / William Bell (curate of Dukinfield.) / William Gaskell / William Hanna / William Weldon Champneys |