作者 | Arthur Charles Dillman / Charles Homer Lane / David Leroy Yarnell / De Alton Saunders / Earl Hazeltine Frothingham / Elliott, Perry / Emil George Boerner / Eugene Wiley Scott / Foster Ellenborough Lascelles Beal / G. A. Russell / Harold Scofield Betts / Harrison Edward Smith / J. M. Westgate / John June Davis / Josef Brunner / Robert Lee Nixon / Rowland Montgomery Meade / S. C. Salmon / United States. Office of Public Roads and Rural Engineering / Wells Alvord Sherman / Wells Woodbridge Cooke / William Dent Sterrett / William H. Waggaman / E. H. Siegler / Franklin Ernest Heald / Houston Frost Walker / John A. Newlin / Paul Forehlich / Philip Vincent Cardon / Luther Herbert Martin |