Wheat Requirements in Europe
Carl S. Scofield / Archibald Dixon Shamel / David A. Savage / David Leroy Yarnell / E. C. Tullis / Earl Dewey Mallison / Frederic Gordon Renner / Frederick Lovejoy Wellman / Hazel Edith Munsell / Horace Greeley Byers / Howard Barrett Richardson / Irvin Carl Feustel / Johnson Thatcher Sarvis / Joseph Heilman Shollenberger / Mason August Hein / Maxon Young Pillow / Myron Sallee Anderson / Norman Julian Wall / Percy Hoke Royster / T. D. Jarrell / Theodore Comstock Scheffer / Thornton Taft Munger / Walter Huber Meyer / William Henry Black / Alonzo Charles Cook / Carl Stone Pomeroy / Charles Lloyd Moon / E. A. Gorman / Grace Margaret DeVaney / James McKenzie Hankins / James Richard Quesenberry / John Carl Thysell / Ronald Floyd Luxford / Thomas L. W. Bailey / Alfred Leroy Baker / Carl Marcus Conrad / Elmer W. Knight / Fletcher Pearre Veitch / Mary Hanford Kennedy / Ralph Emerson Caryl / William Virgil Hukill
Agricultural credit
Western Duck Sickness
N. R. Ellis / Charles William Rees / Edwin Richard Kalmbach / Enoch Wesley Nelson / Fenner Satterthwaite Stickney / Foster Hendrickson Benjamin / George Bishop Sudworth / Harvey Leroy Westover / James William Park / Joseph Stuart Caldwell / Leander D. Howell / Lloyd Ancil Spindler / M. A. Yothers / Raymond Frank Taylor / Robert Claude Wright / Robert Ellsworth Getty / Robert Pilson Albert Johnson / Thomas Ray Stanton / Tyler Frazier Akers / United States. Bureau of Agricultural Economics / Walter Huber Meyer / Wightman Wells Garner / William Henry Black / William Stuart / Edwin Harrison Milstead / Franklin Arthur Coffman / Harry August Schoth / Jay Laurence Lush / John Henry Zeller / Marsden Robert Brundage / Walter M. Peacock / Arthur Truman Semple / V. F. Tapke
Abies concolor
A Revision of the Mites of the Subfamily Tarsonemi...
Clarence Emil Steinbauer / Earl W. McComas / Francis Leo Gerdes / Frederick Charles Scobey / Glenn Arthur Cumings / Harold Blaisdell Shepard / Henry Ellsworth Ewing / J. A. Gamble / John Mott Buck / Joseph Nesbitt Tenhet / Leander D. Howell / Margaret Smith Furry / O. G. Hankins / P. A. Glick / R. L. Piemeisel / Randall Latta / Richard Laban Adams / Robert Claude Wright / Robert Delafield Rands / Ross Calvin Thompson / Thompson Elwyn Woodward / Vivian Kearns Toole / Wells Aleck Hutchins / William Henry Black / Arvid John Johnson / Charles Vinyard Wilson / Eben H. Toole / Edwin Walter Howe / Ernest Dopp / Frank Edward Todd / G. V. C. Houghland / I. P. Earle / James Richard Quesenberry / Joseph Benjamin Shepherd / Lloyd Byron Burk / N. R. Ellis / William Edwin Cotton / Alfred Leroy Baker / Arthur Kirkland Besley / Charles Abel Bennett / Howard Ellenwood Smith / Mason August Hein / Paul E. Howe
Crops Against the Wind on the Southern Great Plain...
Bess Viemont Morrison / Carol Willis Moffett / Edmund Cecil Shorey / F. E. Staebner / Furman Lloyd Mulford / G. R. Hoerner / Glenn Kenton Rule / Harry Waltner Titus / Harvey Leroy Westover / Joel G. Winkjer / John Holmes Martin / John Robert Parker / Karl S. Quisenberry / Kenneth Welton / Manly Alexander Raymond Kelley / Margaret Smith / Richmond Young Bailey / Wilbur Clifford Edmundson / William Randolph Walton / William Renwick Beattie / Clyde Monroe Packard / Frank Rabak / Freeman Weiss / J. C. Stephens / John Walter Taylor / Ralph Wagner Netterstrom / W. H. Hosterman
Agriculture, Cooperative
Successful Farming on 160-acre Farms in Central In...
C. R. Tillotson / Charles Dearing / Edwin Richard Kalmbach / Ellsworth Zouave Russell / Frank Hurlbut Chittenden / George Milton Warren / Guy Stanley Meloy / Harry Vaughn Harlan / Herbert Paul Holman / J. E. Dudley / Kenneth Jesse Matheson / Louise Stanley / Lynn Shelby Robertson / Neil E. Stevens / Raymond R. Pailthorp / Russell Arthur Oakley / Rutherford Jay Posson / Thomas Elliott Snyder / Thompson Elwyn Woodward / Warren David Brush / Wilbert Walter Weir / William Renwick Beattie / Frank Stewart Kinsey / Harvey Leroy Westover / Harvey W. Hawthorne / James Robert Dawson / Jessie May Hoover / Waldo Lee McAtee
Traps for the Japanese Beetle and how to Use Them
David Leroy Yarnell / Fletcher Pearre Veitch / Frederick William Metzger / L. J. Palmer / O. K. Hedden / Walter Ernest Fleming / William Bonar Bell / Edward Alexander Preble
Agricultural experiment stations
Irrigation Districts
Carl Schurz Scofield / Homer Scott Swingle / Alfred Edward Fivaz / Arthur John Ackerman / Brice Edwards / Carl Rohwer / Clarence Ferdinand Korstian / Conde Balcom McCullough / Cornelius Lott Shear / Curtis Paul Clausen / Dow Vawter Baxter / Eloise Gerry / Ernest William Laake / Frank Heidtman Lathrop / Frederick David Richey / Frederick Storrs Baker / Helen Hart / J. R. Holbert / John Clymer Dunegan / M. A. Yothers / Robert Claude Wright / Roger Dearborn Marsden / Thornton Taft Munger / Walter Ernest Fleming / Wells Aleck Hutchins / Albin Leroy Gemeny / Benjamin Koehler / Clarence Bobo Nickels / Dwight Isely / E. R. Van Leeuwen / Francis Everett Baker / George Frederick Sprague / James William Park / L. V. Wilcox / Lake S. Gill / Neil E. Stevens / Oliver I. Snapp / Ruthford Henry Westveld / Warren David Brush / Henry F. Bain / William Roy Wickerham
The Kingdom of the Cults
Walter Martin
出版Baker Books, 2019-05-21
9781493417346 / 1493417347
Crested Wheatgrass as Compared with Bromegrass, Sl...
Ralph Ulysses Cotter / C. A. Magoon / Charles Brooks / Charles Faye Sarle / Charles Otis Johnston / Curtis Paul Clausen / Elmer Ottis Wooton / Floyd Franklin Smith / Fred W. Miller / Harvey Leroy Westover / Howard E. Middleton / Irvin Cecil Brown / Irvine Theodore Haig / James Thorp / Lester Henry Reineke / Lyle Thomas Alexander / Millard Peck / Orator Fuller Cook / Ronald Floyd Luxford / Samuel Augustus Jones / V. L. Wildermuth / Walter Chapin Holmes / William Hobson Rowe / William John Nolan / Willis James Nolan / Bernard Frank / Charles W. Culpepper / Clarence Sheldon Slater / Donald Bruce / Edwin Butterworth Mains / Elmer Valentine Walter / Horace Greeley Byers / John Thomas Scanlan / Johnson Thatcher Sarvis / Lorraine Joseph Markwardt / Paul A. Berry / R. R. Graves / Theodore Roosevelt Gardner / Anis Rae Peterson / Kaku Sato / Leroy Moomaw / Paul Axel Clarence Eke / George W. Morgan / John Carl Thysell / M. A. Bell
Absorption spectra
Techniques in Measuring Joint Relationships
Alva Leroy Finkner / Carlos Frost Williams / Garnet Wolsey Forster / Martha W. Smith Richmond / Robert Edward Lee Greene / Selz Cabot Mayo / Sheldon Leroy Clement / Walter A. Hendricks / Charles Horace Hamilton / Robert Monroe / J. J. Morgan
Agricultural laborers
Game Laws for ...
Alfred R. Lee / C. L. Marlatt / Carleton Roy Ball / Charles E. Chambliss / Charles Vancouver Piper / Clarence Arthur Reed / David Leroy Yarnell / Ernest Kelly / Everett Franklin Phillips / Francis Burzley Milliken / Fred Corry Bishopp / George Traver Harrington / H. J. Ramsey / Harry Nelson Vinall / Herbert Randolph Cox / Leland Ossian Howard / W. F. Fletcher / Walter Van Fleet / Benton E. Rothgeb / Charles Holcomb Popenoe / E. L. Adams / George S. Demuth / Harry B. McClure / Jacob Allen Clark / Karl Eaton Parks / Robert Harris Hutchison / Roland McKee / Lyman Carrier
Biology of the Primary Screw Worm Fly, Cochliomyia...
Paul Random Henson / R. C. Gaines / Appalachian Forest Experiment Station (Asheville, N.C.) / Arnon Lewis Mehring / D. L. Parker / Ernest John George / Ernest William Laake / George Henry Hepting / George W. Barber / Gustaf Adolph Pearson / Horace Greeley Byers / John Robert Magness / John Robinson Winston / Joseph Everett Alicata / Le Roy August Reynoldson / Leander D. Howell / Lorraine Joseph Markwardt / Martin Trantham Young / Newell Emanuel Good / Paul Wormer Edwards / Philip Carman Wakeley / Raymond Secord Washburn / Stephen Harold Hastings / Walter Ernest Fleming / Elliott Sanford Degman / Emory Clayton Cushing / F. E. Parker / George Eugene Marvin / Harvey Leroy Westover / John Sanderlain Burgess / Luther R. Leinbach / Lyle Thomas Alexander / Raymond Eugene Marsh / Thomas Randall Carson Wilson / Henry Edward Parish / Joe Roudolph Furr / R. S. Holmes
Agricultural machinery
Cooperative Studies on the Effects of Height of Ri...
Alfred Leroy Baker / Benton Mehrling Stahl / Charles William Loomer / Claude Kedzie Shedd / Donald Eisenbrey Church / Edward Pendleton Carter / Elsa Orent-Keiles / Fenner Satterthwaite Stickney / Frank Custer Edminster / Harry Curtis Young / Hazel Marie Fletcher / Herbert Halden Walkden / James Robert Dawson / Joseph Bailey Edmond / Leo E. Holman / M. A. Yothers / Marshall Tracy Deonier / Matthew Drosdoff / Myron Francis Babb / Ralph Dickieson Jennings / Ralph Leroy Parshall / Robert Douglass McCulley / Roy Wesley Nixon / Tom Part Cassidy / W. P. Baird / United States. Department of Agriculture / Arnold M. Hansen / David Victor Kopland / Dwight Fletcher Barnes / Frank Waldemar Carlson / George Yankush Young / James E. Kraus / Maurice E. Dahmus / Vernon Webster Johnson / Walter S. Atkinson / William Henry Black / Arthur Clifton McIntyre / Mary Ellen Duensing / Perez Simmons / Roy Magruder
Electromagnetic Theory for Engineering Application...
Walter LeRoy Weeks
Farming the Logged-off Uplands in Western Washingt...
Andrew William McKay / Albert Ronald Merz / Alexander Edmond Cance / Bennet Allen Porter / Carlos G. Bates / Charles Dwight Marsh / Don Divance Lescohier / Earle Hart Clapp / Edward Mackay Chace / Ernest Reuben Johnson / Erval Jackson Newcomer / George Harold Godfrey / Horace Mann Woolman / Ira Noel Gabrielson / Louis Guy Michael / Neale F. Howard / Robert Armstrong Young / Russell Arthur Oakley / Thomas Elliott Snyder / Walter Penn Taylor / William Clare Davis / William Mark Davidson / William Stuart / A. B. Clawson / Calvin Grant Church / Charles Harold Alden / Charles Vivion Whalin / Charles Ward Boyce / Earl Devere Strait / George Burnap Fiske / Harry Baker Humphrey / Harvey Leroy Westover / J. V. Gorm Loftfield / James Zetek / Lester Lamar English / Marion Bertice McKay / Warren Draper Whitcomb / Wayne Mackenzie Stevens / William Horace Ross / Frank Earl Denny
Agricultural laborers
Pecan Culture
Alfred R. Lee / C. L. Marlatt / Carleton Roy Ball / Charles E. Chambliss / Charles Vancouver Piper / Clarence Arthur Reed / David Leroy Yarnell / Ernest Kelly / Everett Franklin Phillips / Francis Burzley Milliken / Fred Corry Bishopp / George Traver Harrington / H. J. Ramsey / Harry Nelson Vinall / Herbert Randolph Cox / Leland Ossian Howard / Theodore Sherman Palmer / Walter Van Fleet / William Franklin Fletcher / Benton E. Rothgeb / Charles Holcomb Popenoe / E. L. Adams / George S. Demuth / Jacob Allen Clark / Karl Eaton Parks / Robert Harris Hutchison / Roland McKee / W. F. Bancroft / Frank L. Earnshaw
Gravimetric Effects of Petroleum Accumulations
Bruce Bryant / Conrad D. Bue / Donald C. Duncan / Eugene C. Robertson / G. L. Stewart / Garland Bayard Gott / Gerald Meyer / Harry Elwood LeGrand / James E. Biesecker / James F. Wilson / Orwoll Milton Hackett / Ralph C. Heath / Ralph Leroy Erickson / Raymond Lee Nace / Thane Hubert McCulloh / Thomas Andrews Hendricks / Walton Henry Durum / Bruce LaVerne Foxworthy / C. M. Hoffman / Ernest D. Cobb / Granville G. Wyrick / J. Richard George / John Calvin Reed / Vernon Emanuel Swanson / Walter Basil Langbein / Nobuhiro Yotsukura / Philip M. Cohen
Earth (Planet)
Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy
Walter LeRoy Weeks
出版HarperCollins Publishers, 1981
Technology & Engineering
Horror Classics: 560+ Titles in One Edition
Wilhelm Hauff / Charles Dickens / Mark Twain / Harriet Beecher Stowe / Oscar Wilde / Robert Louis Stevenson / Edgar Allan Poe / William Hope Hodgson / Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu / John Buchan / Louis Tracy / Bram Stoker / Henry James / Théophile Gautier / Arthur Conan Doyle / Algernon Blackwood / Thomas De Quincey / John Meade Falkner / Guy de Maupassant / Thomas Hardy / Daniel Defoe / John Kendrick Bangs / Cleveland Moffett / Rudyard Kipling / Ambrose Bierce / Frederick Marryat / Washington Irving / Nathaniel Hawthorne / Grant Allen / Arthur Machen / Wilkie Collins / Saki / William Makepeace Thackeray / Thomas Peckett Prest / James Malcolm Rymer / Walter Hubbell / Charlotte Perkins Gilman / Richard Marsh / Catherine Crowe / H. G. Wells / Robert W. Chambers / W. W. Jacobs / E. F. Benson / Jerome K. Jerome / M. R. James / E. T. A. Hoffmann / H. P. Lovecraft / Robert E. Howard / Edith Nesbit / Sabine Baring-Gould / Francis Marion Crawford / Mary Elizabeth Braddon / Mary Louisa Molesworth / Mary E. Wilkins Freeman / Nikolai Gogol / Mary Shelley / Elizabeth Gaskell / Gertrude Atherton / Edward Bulwer-Lytton / Louisa M. Alcott / Amelia B. Edwards / Fitz-James O'Brien / Émile Erckmann / Alexandre Chatrian / Pedro De Alarçon / J. K. Huysmans
出版Good Press, 2023-12-14
Into the Darkness
Wilhelm Hauff / Charles Dickens / Mark Twain / Harriet Beecher Stowe / Oscar Wilde / Robert Louis Stevenson / Edgar Allan Poe / William Hope Hodgson / Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu / John Buchan / Louis Tracy / Bram Stoker / Henry James / Théophile Gautier / Arthur Conan Doyle / Algernon Blackwood / Thomas De Quincey / John Meade Falkner / Guy de Maupassant / Thomas Hardy / Daniel Defoe / John Kendrick Bangs / Cleveland Moffett / Rudyard Kipling / Ambrose Bierce / Frederick Marryat / Washington Irving / Nathaniel Hawthorne / Grant Allen / Arthur Machen / Wilkie Collins / Saki / William Makepeace Thackeray / Thomas Peckett Prest / James Malcolm Rymer / Walter Hubbell / Charlotte Perkins Gilman / Richard Marsh / Catherine Crowe / H. G. Wells / Robert W. Chambers / W. W. Jacobs / E. F. Benson / Jerome K. Jerome / M. R. James / E. T. A. Hoffmann / H. P. Lovecraft / Robert E. Howard / Edith Nesbit / Sabine Baring-Gould / Francis Marion Crawford / Mary Elizabeth Braddon / Mary Louisa Molesworth / Mary E. Wilkins Freeman / Nikolai Gogol / Mary Shelley / Elizabeth Gaskell / Gertrude Atherton / Edward Bulwer-Lytton / Louisa M. Alcott / Amelia B. Edwards / Fitz-James O'Brien / Émile Erckmann / Alexandre Chatrian / Pedro De Alarçon / J. K. Huysmans
出版Good Press, 2023-12-16
SINISTER OMENS: 560+ Supernatural Thrillers, Macab...
Wilhelm Hauff / Charles Dickens / Mark Twain / Harriet Beecher Stowe / Adelbert von Chamisso / Oscar Wilde / Robert Louis Stevenson / Edgar Allan Poe / William Hope Hodgson / Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu / John Buchan / Louis Tracy / Bram Stoker / Anatole France / Charlotte Brontë / Emily Brontë / Jack London / Henry James / Théophile Gautier / Arthur Conan Doyle / Richard Le Gallienne / Jane Austen / Ralph Adams Cram / Thomas De Quincey / John Meade Falkner / Guy de Maupassant / Thomas Hardy / William Archer / Daniel Defoe / John Kendrick Bangs / Cleveland Moffett / Brander Matthews / Marie Belloc Lowndes / Horace Walpole / Rudyard Kipling / Lafcadio Hearn / Hugh Walpole / Ambrose Bierce / Frederick Marryat / Ellis Parker Butler / Washington Irving / Leonid Andreyev / David Lindsay / Nathaniel Hawthorne / Grant Allen / Arthur Machen / Wilkie Collins / Saki / William Makepeace Thackeray / Thomas Peckett Prest / James Malcolm Rymer / Fergus Hume / Edward Bellamy / Walter Hubbell / Charlotte Perkins Gilman / Leopold Kompert / Fitz James O'Brien / Richard Marsh / Florence Marryat / Catherine Crowe / Vincent O'Sullivan / H. G. Wells / Robert W. Chambers / W. W. Jacobs / M. P. Shiel / E. F. Benson / Jerome K. Jerome / M. R. James / E. T. A. Hoffmann / Stanley G. Weinbaum / George W. M. Reynolds / H. P. Lovecraft / Robert E. Howard / Edith Nesbit / William Thomas Beckford / Francis Marion Crawford / Lucy Maud Montgomery / Mary Elizabeth Braddon / Mary Louisa Molesworth / Mary E. Wilkins Freeman / Nikolai Gogol / Mary Shelley / Elizabeth Gaskell / Edward Bulwer-Lytton / Frank R. Stockton / A. T. Quiller-Couch / Ann Radcliffe / Louisa M. Alcott / Amelia B. Edwards / Leonard Kip / Matthew Gregory Lewis / Katherine Rickford / Bithia Mary Croker / Catherine L. Pirkis / Émile Erckmann / Alexandre Chatrian / Pedro De Alarçon / Pliny the Younger / Helena Blavatsky / Villiers de l'Isle Adam / William F. Harvey / Fiona Macleod / William T. Stead / Gambier Bolton / Andrew Jackson Davis / Nizida / Walter F. Prince / Chester Bailey Fernando / William Polidori / Sabine Baring Gould
出版DigiCat, 2023-12-16
Halloween Horrors - Ultimate Collection
Wilhelm Hauff / Charles Dickens / Mark Twain / Harriet Beecher Stowe / Adelbert von Chamisso / Oscar Wilde / Robert Louis Stevenson / Edgar Allan Poe / William Hope Hodgson / Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu / John Buchan / Louis Tracy / Bram Stoker / Anatole France / Charlotte Brontë / Emily Brontë / Jack London / Henry James / Théophile Gautier / Arthur Conan Doyle / Richard Le Gallienne / Jane Austen / Algernon Blackwood / Ralph Adams Cram / Thomas De Quincey / John Meade Falkner / Guy de Maupassant / Thomas Hardy / William Archer / Daniel Defoe / John Kendrick Bangs / Cleveland Moffett / Brander Matthews / Marie Belloc Lowndes / Sax Rohmer / Horace Walpole / Rudyard Kipling / Lafcadio Hearn / Ambrose Bierce / Frederick Marryat / Ellis Parker Butler / Washington Irving / Leonid Andreyev / David Lindsay / Nathaniel Hawthorne / Grant Allen / Arthur Machen / Wilkie Collins / William Makepeace Thackeray / Thomas Peckett Prest / James Malcolm Rymer / Fergus Hume / Edward Bellamy / Walter Hubbell / S. Mukerji / Charlotte Perkins Gilman / Leopold Kompert / Richard Marsh / Florence Marryat / Catherine Crowe / Marjorie Bowen / John William Polidori / Vincent O'Sullivan / H. G. Wells / Robert W. Chambers / W. W. Jacobs / M. P. Shiel / E. F. Benson / Jerome K. Jerome / M. R. James / E. T. A. Hoffmann / George W. M. Reynolds / H. P. Lovecraft / Robert E. Howard / Edith Nesbit / Sabine Baring-Gould / William Thomas Beckford / Francis Marion Crawford / Mary Elizabeth Braddon / Mary Louisa Molesworth / Mary E. Wilkins Freeman / Nikolai Gogol / Mary Shelley / Elizabeth Gaskell / Gertrude Atherton / Edward Bulwer-Lytton / Frank R. Stockton / A. T. Quiller-Couch / Olivia Howard Dunbar / Ann Radcliffe / Louisa M. Alcott / Amelia B. Edwards / Leonard Kip / Matthew Gregory Lewis / Fitz-James O'Brien / Katherine Rickford / Bithia Mary Croker / Catherine L. Pirkis / Émile Erckmann / Alexandre Chatrian / Pedro De Alarçon / J. K. Huysmans / H. H. Munro (Saki) / Pliny the Younger / Helena Blavatsky / Villiers de l'Isle Adam / William F. Harvey / Fiona Macleod / William T. Stead / Gambier Bolton / Andrew Jackson Davis / Nizida / Walter F. Prince / Chester Bailey Fernando
出版DigiCat, 2022-12-10
Beware The Silence
Wilhelm Hauff / Charles Dickens / Mark Twain / Harriet Beecher Stowe / Adelbert von Chamisso / Oscar Wilde / Robert Louis Stevenson / Edgar Allan Poe / William Hope Hodgson / Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu / John Buchan / Louis Tracy / Bram Stoker / Anatole France / Charlotte Brontë / Emily Brontë / Jack London / Henry James / Théophile Gautier / Arthur Conan Doyle / Richard Le Gallienne / Jane Austen / Ralph Adams Cram / Thomas De Quincey / John Meade Falkner / Guy de Maupassant / Thomas Hardy / William Archer / Daniel Defoe / John Kendrick Bangs / Cleveland Moffett / Brander Matthews / Marie Belloc Lowndes / Horace Walpole / Rudyard Kipling / Lafcadio Hearn / Hugh Walpole / Ambrose Bierce / Frederick Marryat / Ellis Parker Butler / Washington Irving / Leonid Andreyev / David Lindsay / Nathaniel Hawthorne / Grant Allen / Arthur Machen / Wilkie Collins / William Makepeace Thackeray / Thomas Peckett Prest / James Malcolm Rymer / Fergus Hume / Edward Bellamy / Walter Hubbell / Charlotte Perkins Gilman / Leopold Kompert / Richard Marsh / Florence Marryat / Catherine Crowe / John William Polidori / Vincent O'Sullivan / H. G. Wells / Robert W. Chambers / W. W. Jacobs / M. P. Shiel / E. F. Benson / Jerome K. Jerome / M. R. James / E. T. A. Hoffmann / Stanley G. Weinbaum / George W. M. Reynolds / H. P. Lovecraft / Robert E. Howard / Edith Nesbit / Sabine Baring-Gould / William Thomas Beckford / Francis Marion Crawford / Lucy Maud Montgomery / Mary Elizabeth Braddon / Mary Louisa Molesworth / Mary E. Wilkins Freeman / Nikolai Gogol / Mary Shelley / Elizabeth Gaskell / Edward Bulwer-Lytton / Frank R. Stockton / A. T. Quiller-Couch / Ann Radcliffe / Louisa M. Alcott / Amelia B. Edwards / Leonard Kip / Matthew Gregory Lewis / Fitz-James O'Brien / Katherine Rickford / Bithia Mary Croker / Catherine L. Pirkis / Émile Erckmann / Alexandre Chatrian / Pedro De Alarçon / H. H. Munro (Saki) / Pliny the Younger / Helena Blavatsky / Villiers de l'Isle Adam / William F. Harvey / Fiona Macleod / William T. Stead / Gambier Bolton / Andrew Jackson Davis / Nizida / Walter F. Prince / Chester Bailey Fernando
出版Good Press, 2023-12-27
Horror Anthology
Wilhelm Hauff / Charles Dickens / Mark Twain / Harriet Beecher Stowe / Adelbert von Chamisso / Oscar Wilde / Robert Louis Stevenson / Edgar Allan Poe / William Hope Hodgson / Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu / John Buchan / Louis Tracy / Bram Stoker / Anatole France / Charlotte Brontë / Emily Brontë / Jack London / Henry James / Théophile Gautier / Arthur Conan Doyle / Richard Le Gallienne / Jane Austen / Algernon Blackwood / Ralph Adams Cram / Thomas De Quincey / John Meade Falkner / Guy de Maupassant / Thomas Hardy / William Archer / Daniel Defoe / John Kendrick Bangs / Cleveland Moffett / Brander Matthews / Marie Belloc Lowndes / Sax Rohmer / Horace Walpole / Rudyard Kipling / Lafcadio Hearn / Ambrose Bierce / Frederick Marryat / Ellis Parker Butler / Washington Irving / Leonid Andreyev / David Lindsay / Nathaniel Hawthorne / Grant Allen / Arthur Machen / Wilkie Collins / William Makepeace Thackeray / Thomas Peckett Prest / James Malcolm Rymer / Fergus Hume / Edward Bellamy / Walter Hubbell / S. Mukerji / Charlotte Perkins Gilman / Leopold Kompert / Richard Marsh / Florence Marryat / Catherine Crowe / Marjorie Bowen / John William Polidori / Vincent O'Sullivan / H. G. Wells / Robert W. Chambers / W. W. Jacobs / M. P. Shiel / E. F. Benson / Jerome K. Jerome / M. R. James / E. T. A. Hoffmann / George W. M. Reynolds / H. P. Lovecraft / Robert E. Howard / Edith Nesbit / Sabine Baring-Gould / William Thomas Beckford / Francis Marion Crawford / Mary Elizabeth Braddon / Mary Louisa Molesworth / Mary E. Wilkins Freeman / Nikolai Gogol / Mary Shelley / Elizabeth Gaskell / Gertrude Atherton / Edward Bulwer-Lytton / Frank R. Stockton / A. T. Quiller-Couch / Olivia Howard Dunbar / Ann Radcliffe / Louisa M. Alcott / Amelia B. Edwards / Leonard Kip / Matthew Gregory Lewis / Fitz-James O'Brien / Katherine Rickford / Bithia Mary Croker / Catherine L. Pirkis / Émile Erckmann / Alexandre Chatrian / Pedro De Alarçon / J. K. Huysmans / H. H. Munro (Saki) / Pliny the Younger / Helena Blavatsky / Villiers de l'Isle Adam / William F. Harvey / Fiona Macleod / William T. Stead / Gambier Bolton / Andrew Jackson Davis / Nizida / Walter F. Prince / Chester Bailey Fernando
出版Good Press, 2023-12-30
HALLOWEEN Ultimate Collection: 550+ Horror Classic...
Wilhelm Hauff / Charles Dickens / Mark Twain / Harriet Beecher Stowe / Adelbert von Chamisso / Oscar Wilde / Robert Louis Stevenson / Edgar Allan Poe / William Hope Hodgson / Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu / John Buchan / Louis Tracy / Bram Stoker / Anatole France / Charlotte Brontë / Emily Brontë / Jack London / Henry James / Théophile Gautier / Arthur Conan Doyle / Richard Le Gallienne / Jane Austen / Algernon Blackwood / Ralph Adams Cram / Thomas De Quincey / John Meade Falkner / Guy de Maupassant / Thomas Hardy / William Archer / Daniel Defoe / John Kendrick Bangs / Cleveland Moffett / Brander Matthews / Marie Belloc Lowndes / Sax Rohmer / Horace Walpole / Rudyard Kipling / Lafcadio Hearn / Ambrose Bierce / Frederick Marryat / Ellis Parker Butler / Washington Irving / Leonid Andreyev / David Lindsay / Nathaniel Hawthorne / Grant Allen / Arthur Machen / Wilkie Collins / William Makepeace Thackeray / Thomas Peckett Prest / James Malcolm Rymer / Fergus Hume / Edward Bellamy / Walter Hubbell / S. Mukerji / Charlotte Perkins Gilman / Leopold Kompert / Richard Marsh / Florence Marryat / Catherine Crowe / Marjorie Bowen / John William Polidori / Vincent O'Sullivan / H. G. Wells / Robert W. Chambers / W. W. Jacobs / M. P. Shiel / E. F. Benson / Jerome K. Jerome / M. R. James / E. T. A. Hoffmann / George W. M. Reynolds / H. P. Lovecraft / Robert E. Howard / Edith Nesbit / Sabine Baring-Gould / William Thomas Beckford / Francis Marion Crawford / Mary Elizabeth Braddon / Mary Louisa Molesworth / Mary E. Wilkins Freeman / Nikolai Gogol / Mary Shelley / Elizabeth Gaskell / Gertrude Atherton / Edward Bulwer-Lytton / Frank R. Stockton / A. T. Quiller-Couch / Olivia Howard Dunbar / Ann Radcliffe / Louisa M. Alcott / Amelia B. Edwards / Leonard Kip / Matthew Gregory Lewis / Fitz-James O'Brien / Katherine Rickford / Bithia Mary Croker / Catherine L. Pirkis / Émile Erckmann / Alexandre Chatrian / Pedro De Alarçon / J. K. Huysmans / H. H. Munro (Saki) / Pliny the Younger / Helena Blavatsky / Villiers de l'Isle Adam / William F. Harvey / Fiona Macleod / William T. Stead / Gambier Bolton / Andrew Jackson Davis / Nizida / Walter F. Prince / Chester Bailey Fernando
出版DigiCat, 2023-12-16
H. P. Lovecraft / Edgar Allan Poe / M. R. James / Henry James / Algernon Blackwood / Wilkie Collins / E. F. Benson / Nathaniel Hawthorne / Ambrose Bierce / Arthur Machen / William Hope Hodgson / Arthur Conan Doyle / Grant Allen / Mary Shelley / Bram Stoker / Théophile Gautier / Richard Marsh / Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu / Thomas Hardy / Charles Dickens / Rudyard Kipling / Guy de Maupassant / Elizabeth Gaskell / Mark Twain / Daniel Defoe / Jerome K. Jerome / Fitz-James O'Brien / Catherine Crowe / Émile Erckmann / Alexandre Chatrian / Pedro De Alarçon / Walter Hubbell / Amelia B. Edwards / Washington Irving / John Meade Falkner / Harriet Beecher Stowe / Mary E. Wilkins Freeman / Louisa M. Alcott / Edith Nesbit / Mary Louisa Molesworth / Francis Marion Crawford / John Kendrick Bangs / Gertrude Atherton / J. K. Huysmans / John Buchan / Sabine Baring-Gould / Cleveland Moffett / Louis Tracy / Nikolai Gogol / James Malcolm Rymer / Thomas Peckett Prest / Frederick Marryat / Oscar Wilde / Robert Louis Stevenson / H. G. Wells / Charlotte Perkins Gilman / W. W. Jacobs / H. H. Munro (Saki) / Wilhelm Hauff / Mary Elizabeth Braddon / Robert W. Chambers / Edward Bulwer-Lytton / Thomas De Quincey / William Makepeace Thackeray / E. T. A. Hoffmann / Robert E. Howard / David Lindsay / Marie Belloc Lowndes / Edward Bellamy / Jack London / Pliny the Younger / Helena Blavatsky / Fergus Hume / Florence Marryat / Villiers de l'Isle Adam / William Archer / William F. Harvey / Katherine Rickford / Ralph Adams Cram / Leopold Kompert / Brander Matthews / Vincent O'Sullivan / Ellis Parker Butler / A. T. Quiller-Couch / Fiona Macleod / Lafcadio Hearn / William T. Stead / Gambier Bolton / Andrew Jackson Davis / Nizida / Walter F. Prince / Chester Bailey Fernando / Leonard Kip / Frank R. Stockton / Bithia Mary Croker / Catherine L. Pirkis / Leonid Andreyev / Anatole France / Olivia Howard Dunbar / Richard Le Gallienne / Sax Rohmer / Horace Walpole / William Thomas Beckford / Matthew Gregory Lewis / Ann Radcliffe / Jane Austen / John William Polidori / Charlotte Brontë / Emily Brontë / Marjorie Bowen / George W. M. Reynolds / M. P. Shiel / Adelbert von Chamisso / S. Mukerji
出版e-artnow, 2018-12-21
9788027247141 / 8027247144
The Horror Beyond Life's Edge: 560+ Macabre Classi...
Wilhelm Hauff / Charles Dickens / Mark Twain / Harriet Beecher Stowe / Adelbert von Chamisso / Oscar Wilde / Robert Louis Stevenson / Edgar Allan Poe / William Hope Hodgson / Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu / John Buchan / Louis Tracy / Bram Stoker / Anatole France / Charlotte Brontë / Emily Brontë / Jack London / Henry James / Théophile Gautier / Arthur Conan Doyle / Richard Le Gallienne / Jane Austen / Ralph Adams Cram / Thomas De Quincey / John Meade Falkner / Guy de Maupassant / Thomas Hardy / William Archer / Daniel Defoe / John Kendrick Bangs / Cleveland Moffett / Brander Matthews / Marie Belloc Lowndes / Horace Walpole / Rudyard Kipling / Lafcadio Hearn / Hugh Walpole / Ambrose Bierce / Frederick Marryat / Ellis Parker Butler / Washington Irving / Leonid Andreyev / David Lindsay / Nathaniel Hawthorne / Grant Allen / Arthur Machen / Wilkie Collins / William Makepeace Thackeray / Thomas Peckett Prest / James Malcolm Rymer / Fergus Hume / Edward Bellamy / Walter Hubbell / Charlotte Perkins Gilman / Leopold Kompert / Richard Marsh / Florence Marryat / Catherine Crowe / John William Polidori / Vincent O'Sullivan / H. G. Wells / Robert W. Chambers / W. W. Jacobs / M. P. Shiel / E. F. Benson / Jerome K. Jerome / M. R. James / E. T. A. Hoffmann / Stanley G. Weinbaum / George W. M. Reynolds / H. P. Lovecraft / Robert E. Howard / Edith Nesbit / Sabine Baring-Gould / William Thomas Beckford / Francis Marion Crawford / Lucy Maud Montgomery / Mary Elizabeth Braddon / Mary Louisa Molesworth / Mary E. Wilkins Freeman / Nikolai Gogol / Mary Shelley / Elizabeth Gaskell / Edward Bulwer-Lytton / Frank R. Stockton / A. T. Quiller-Couch / Ann Radcliffe / Louisa M. Alcott / Amelia B. Edwards / Leonard Kip / Matthew Gregory Lewis / Fitz-James O'Brien / Katherine Rickford / Bithia Mary Croker / Catherine L. Pirkis / Émile Erckmann / Alexandre Chatrian / Pedro De Alarçon / H. H. Munro (Saki) / Pliny the Younger / Helena Blavatsky / Villiers de l'Isle Adam / William F. Harvey / Fiona Macleod / William T. Stead / Gambier Bolton / Andrew Jackson Davis / Nizida / Walter F. Prince / Chester Bailey Fernando
出版Good Press, 2023-11-19
Something Wicked: 560+ Horror Classics, Macabre Ta...
Wilhelm Hauff / Charles Dickens / Mark Twain / Harriet Beecher Stowe / Adelbert von Chamisso / Oscar Wilde / Robert Louis Stevenson / Edgar Allan Poe / William Hope Hodgson / Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu / John Buchan / Louis Tracy / Bram Stoker / Anatole France / Charlotte Brontë / Emily Brontë / Jack London / Henry James / Théophile Gautier / Arthur Conan Doyle / Richard Le Gallienne / Jane Austen / Ralph Adams Cram / Thomas De Quincey / John Meade Falkner / Guy de Maupassant / Thomas Hardy / William Archer / Daniel Defoe / John Kendrick Bangs / Cleveland Moffett / Brander Matthews / Marie Belloc Lowndes / Horace Walpole / Rudyard Kipling / Lafcadio Hearn / Hugh Walpole / Ambrose Bierce / Frederick Marryat / Ellis Parker Butler / Washington Irving / Leonid Andreyev / David Lindsay / Nathaniel Hawthorne / Grant Allen / Arthur Machen / Wilkie Collins / Saki / William Makepeace Thackeray / Thomas Peckett Prest / James Malcolm Rymer / Fergus Hume / Edward Bellamy / Walter Hubbell / Charlotte Perkins Gilman / Leopold Kompert / Richard Marsh / Florence Marryat / Catherine Crowe / Vincent O'Sullivan / H. G. Wells / Robert W. Chambers / W. W. Jacobs / M. P. Shiel / E. F. Benson / Jerome K. Jerome / M. R. James / E. T. A. Hoffmann / Stanley G. Weinbaum / George W. M. Reynolds / H. P. Lovecraft / Robert E. Howard / Edith Nesbit / Sabine Baring-Gould / William Thomas Beckford / Francis Marion Crawford / Lucy Maud Montgomery / Mary Elizabeth Braddon / Mary Louisa Molesworth / Mary E. Wilkins Freeman / Nikolai Gogol / Mary Shelley / Elizabeth Gaskell / Edward Bulwer-Lytton / Frank R. Stockton / A. T. Quiller-Couch / Ann Radcliffe / Louisa M. Alcott / Amelia B. Edwards / Leonard Kip / Matthew Gregory Lewis / Fitz-James O'Brien / Katherine Rickford / Bithia Mary Croker / Catherine L. Pirkis / Émile Erckmann / Alexandre Chatrian / Pedro De Alarçon / Pliny the Younger / Helena Blavatsky / Villiers de l'Isle Adam / William F. Harvey / Fiona Macleod / William T. Stead / Gambier Bolton / Andrew Jackson Davis / Nizida / Walter F. Prince / Chester Bailey Fernando / William Polidori / H. H. Munro
出版DigiCat, 2023-12-26
The Development of Mold on Cold Storage Eggs and M...
Catherine Edwards Michael / Walter LeRoy Mallmann
European Corn Borer
Armand Bauer / Carl Edmond Olson / Charles G. M. Edgerly / Earl Walter Scholz / Jerry LeRoy Liddle / R. D. Frye / Ralph Alden Young
Agricultural laborers