Del Volcán Irazú al Monte Sión
註釋The autobiography of a Costa Rican Catholic priest on his relations with Jews and the State of Israel. Analyzes antisemitism through the ages, rejecting the Christian Churches' "teaching of contempt" towards the Jews as well as anti-Jewish stereotypes and accusations. States that the hatred of Jews is not intrinsic to Christianity but the result of competition between Christianity and Judaism for the favors of the Roman authorities during the last period of the Empire. Praises the "Pauline tradition" of tolerance towards Jews embraced lately by the Vatican (e.g. "Nostra aetate"). Describes the Zionist movement and the creation of the State of Israel, rejecting Arab hostility against Israel and the equation of Zionism with racism. An ex-ambassador of Costa Rica to Israel, the author calls for Christian-Jewish fraternity and the right for a Jewish state.