Getting from the Bar to the Boardroom

Everyone is a salesperson. Whether you want to admit it or not, there is a point where you have to persuade an individual or group to change their current course of action in favor of a new one. This book is a sales guide, but more
importantly, it is a guide on how to transition into the professional world and how to avoid the many pitfalls that have claimed countless victims.

Drawn from his successful career in corporate sales and client services, Doug Gentilcore shares his firsthand experiences and knowledge for developing a promising business career. In this innovative book, the author explains why any business professional, whether in sales or not, will at some point have to persuade an individual or group to change their current course of action in favor of a new one. Told via a clever and engaging narrative, this book delivers 25 proven skills for relationship building, networking, negotiating, business dealmaking, and complex sales that business professionals can incorporate into their own work style. These include:

• Have Your Credentials at the Door
• If You Don’t Have a “Big” Friend, Make One
• Bar Stool Selling
• You’re Going to Get Shot Down, Deal with It
• Never, Ever Turn Down a Free Drink
• Know When It’s “That Time”