From Eden to Interstellar Space
註釋This book is a response to two questions. The first concerns how we can do better as human beings in addressing the broken relationships between humankind, the environment in which we live, and the other species with which we coexist in an increasingly fragile world. The second concerns whether secular humanism can provide the answer, or if there is an important contribution that Christian faith can offer to an understanding of the human condition that will empower effective, transformational action. The book explores the possibility of developing an interpretive approach to biblical narrative that allows a biblical perspective of reality to provide an important complementary, rather than competing, supplement to developing scientific perspectives of reality. These are perspectives emerging from quantum mechanics and astrophysics that challenge both our conceptual ability and the limits of language in articulating mystery that, in resisting physical explanation, appears to demand new or different ways of thinking about ourselves and the world in which we live.