註釋This story follows the adventures of Judd, Vicki, Lionel, and Ryan. The Young Trib. Force is trying to regroup after the global disaster of the bombing in suburban Chicago. The terrible loss of Bruce leaves the group in a state of terror. After leading them so far, his life ended when the bombs blew up the hospital. The group, however, can't take the time to mourn, because Ryan is missing. While the group is looking for him, Ryan befriends the daughter of a rich, important Global Community leader, while they both were kidnapped in the confusion of the bombings. Ryan tries to fight for his life in a clever series of events, and lead his new-found friend, Darrion. The rest of the gang follows some clues left by Ryan and tries to save him. But will they be too late? Will the Global Community get rid of Ryan, or block the search?