The Shield

At what point does abnormal become normal? Aberrations are here to stay. Trying to figure out how to co-exist with the whole world, maximize their newly discovered powers and stop infighting among themselves. Worse yet, the elders are adding to internal stress.

Being an outcast had been the norm for Agatha ‘Aggie’ McArthur since well before middle school. By the time puberty and all its nasty side effects hit, she was a pro at guarding herself from hurtful words and more. Discovering she had the ability to shield wasn’t a great leap for the guarded teen.

Having an ability doesn’t mean mastering it. Especially when it means allowing yourself to admit you are special and powerful. The inconsistent shield, useless more times than not, failed and led to the kidnapping of one of their own. With a home now mobilized, the citizens of the makeshift Satori are not only on guard, but searching for their lost friend.

With an unknown elder, Imani, appearing, Aggie will have a teacher if she can allow herself to trust. But will the trust be worth the danger her life is placed in? And can she find the strength to protect the community, or will her shield leave her friends on the outside looking in?