Loss of Nitrogen from Soils, Treatment of Calf Scours, Manure as Affected by Food, Preserving Eggs, Continuous Corn Culture, Wheat Bran, Pasturing Wheat, Testing Individual Cows, Storage of Sweet Potatoes, Clean Milk, Rotting of Potatoes in Storage, Cleanliness in the Dairy, Hog Cots, Grading Cream, the Disinfection of Stables, Paraffin in Dairying, the Effect of Horsetail Weeds on Horses
出版U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1906
註釋"The codling moth or apple worm and the apple scab have no direct relationship except that both attack the apple and are, respectively, the chief insect enemy and the chief fungous disease of this fruit. Both are, however, subject to practical control by sprays, which being necessary at the same dates, in the main, can be combined in single applications, and it is for this reason that they are considered together in this bulletin. A brief life history is given of the codling moth, with a description of the sprays and other remedies for it, followed by similar matter on the apple scab. The bulletin concludes with a joint consideration, for both pests, of spraying outfits and methods, with directions for the combination of the spray mixtures, and a spray calendar" -- introduction.