SkyGates of the Mind
註釋Intergenerational trauma and epigenetic research have discovered that trauma is passed between generations. The epigenetic inheritance theory holds that even environmental factors and your diet affects the genes of future generations. It does not matter where you start; it matters where you end up. I had my first conscious dream in 1973. It took over a year of research to find two references what that was; one in Tibetan Book of Bon and the other in Egyptian Book of Dead. Two sentences and that was it. Now you guys have literally hundreds of websites on the subject, dozens of books, thousands of articles, workshops, Dream machine, etc. I feel I can contribute, at least a bit, to this knowledge and expand its horizons. The term lucid dreaming represents a different orientation to the same experience; instead unconsciously dreams are experienced consciously. You know you are dreaming while in a dream world. OBE (out of body) and a Lucid Dream are the same. Just like you can dream you are awake, or have more than one body, so you can dream you OBE-d your physical or your dream body. More important than OBE is knowledge how to exit the Dream World and see what is beyond. Of course; many exercises can be performed during advanced Yogic Dreams. The beauty of it all is that Conscious Dreams and waking reality experiences both go to the same place; your memory. Users and addicts of external DMT, LSD, THC, and many other drugs, substitute fantasies and verbal discussions for concrete work. The fictional idea some guru is going to liberate us by some magic touch is an illusion that serves to satisfy the needs of people to conceal the possibility of escaping from their situation by the force of their own efforts. Instead of the beliefs we need action, action filled with a very strong positive emotion. When we are ready to give up being warriors of the sofa, to convert ourselves into committed practitioners, only then can something happen. What counts is the individual effort each person will make. Books, masters, gurus, schools, workshops, retreats are useful help only when we are ready to perform concrete acts in the vast task of knowledge. One word of caution; at least 95% of so called gurus have failed or are outright con-artists. Here is an example; insight into Ouspensky's mind and Gurdjijeff- Ouspensky "System" given by a friend. (also see my eBook; 'SuperConscious Meditation'; three chapters on the dark side of the coin.) The Case of P. D. Ouspensky by Marie Seton Copyright (c) 1962 Quest, www. Gurdjieff-Bibliography.com "He instructed me to cancel the lecture set for that evening because he wanted to go to dinner at this restaurant which had very good food and wine. I cancelled the lecture and informed as many of the people as possible. Ouspensky then asked me to go out to dinner with him. It was a most excellent dinner, but during it I felt the time had come when I must ask him for an explanation as to how he could consider that this dinner justified the sudden cancellation of a lecture. Where did such action fit into the System, and where also did his violent temper towards some people fit in? The thought went through my mind several times: Is it I who do not understand? Is it I who have lost all sense of proportion? Is it I who am being temperamental in feeling I have a right to seek an explanation and not to take all this for granted as being in order?" When the coffee came, I asked: "Can you, or will you, explain how it is you could cancel a lecture at a few hours' notice for the sake of this dinner? I don't understand. And I am sorry to feel compelled to ask you; but do you lose your temper with people consciously, or because you have lost control of yourself? You do not lose your temper with me in this way."