The Pre-Raphaelite Movement
註釋Controlling Purpose: The purpose of this paper has been to show Dante Gabriel Rossetti as the leader of the nineteenth century romantic movement called Pre-Raphaelite. I. The Pre-Raphaelite Movement began as a revolt in painting against the conventions established by Raphael. 1. John Ruskin's Modern Painters initiated the movement. 2. Hunt, Millais, and Rossetti were the founders of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. 3. The Romantic tendency of the movement is indicated in its high regard for both Keats and the Middle Ages. II. The Pre-Raphaelite Movement developed its literary potentialities. 1. Rossetti was the link between the poets and the painters. 2. The Germ exemplified the principles of the movement through "precept and example". 3. The Latter Day poets were primarily Pre-Raphaelites. 4. The Pre-Raphaelites were criticised severely