註釋This document is designed to help practitioners and policymakers in the European Union's member states coordinate their initial and continuing vocational education and training (VET) programs. It presents a subclassification of the recently revised International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) that encompasses all fields of VET. The document begins with an overview of the fields of education in the ISCED, which was developed by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization to serve as a tool for assembling, compiling, and presenting national and international educational statistics. The creation of a third digit to permit classification of VET within the ISCED system is explained along with the subject content approach underpinning the ISCED. Presented next are a table detailing the 9 broad fields, 25 fields of education, and (approximately) 65 fields of training in the ISCED system and instructions for using the manual. The actual field descriptions are listed next. Descriptions of the each of the 25 fields of VET are described next. Each description includes the following: field name; field audience; types of programs offered at various levels; and specific types of training included in/excluded from the field. Concluding the document are alphabetic and systematic code lists. (MN)