Achieving Social Inclusion and Sustainability in Emerging Economies and Developing Countries
出版Routledge, 2021
主題Business & Economics / GeneralEDUCATION / GeneralTechnology & Engineering / General
註釋"This book aims to develop understanding of technology education in New Zealand. It is New Zealand's story of technology education in the 21st Century and will assist teachers and teacher educators develop technology education programmes. The book begins with an introduction to technology. It explores the philosophy of and rationale for technology education. It explores relevant theory underpinning technology education and discusses favourable pedagogical approaches. The background to recent changes to the technology curriculum are outlined. It then unpacks components and aspects of Technology in The New Zealand Curriculum, including sections on the technological areas, strands and components of technology. The process of planning a unit of work is explained thoroughly and modelled to assist teachers new to teaching technology in New Zealand. A special feature of the book will be the culminating section, using a narrative approach to explore two students, as they journey through their technology education schooling. Written to give the students' perspectives on their learning experiences in technology education. Running parallel to this is teacher narrative of the various technology teachers the students encounter in their schooling, making explicit links to teacher thinking and Technology the New Zealand curriculum"--