Fairness in Education for Single Parents in Nova Scotia
註釋The author of this brief and the individuals and organizations who participated in its development contend that the ESIA program bears the responsibility for addressing this deficit. [...] While the deficits are severe for all families and program types, deficits tend to be smaller in families with two children where the children are younger, and in the Bachelor of Arts Program at Acadia University. [...] In addition to the shortfalls between income and expenses, the single-parent families in each of the scenarios considered would be accumulating annually a student loan debt of $12,750. [...] When a single parent is fully subsidized, the Department of Community Services pays the daycare the subsidy (less $2.25 for the first child, which the parent is required to pay). [...] For the purposes of this study, about $75 per month has been added to the average rents given by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation to present the most balanced view possible of overall housing costs.22 A single parent who decides around the same time to go to university and apply for public or co-op housing (or who becomes a single parent around the same time as deciding to enrol in universi.