Developing Daily Healthy Habits
This journal is unique in that it combines all the elements of journaling along with the creativity of coloring the images on the pages with a writing prompt.
Taking the time to write down your thoughts related to the prompt, or color the image on the page is a great way to relieve stress and become more aware of your what you do to unwind and to think about your favorite things, the places and things you would like to see and do in your life, and the relationships you have with family and friends.
In this journal you will be focusing on 24 different topics to help you uncover what you love to do or want to learn to do including what your favorite season, flower or book is, what outdoor activities you like, what type of music inspires you. Using the journal prompts that are provided, you will have the opportunity to delve deeper into what it is that you really want, gaining clarity along the way.
Each of the 24 topics includes a prompt on its own separate page, giving you lots of space to write down what you are thinking and an image you can color. You'll also be prompted to plan healthy meals you've never tried before to write down an unhealthy habit you may have and thinking about your greatest challenge in breaking it.
Additionally, you will find extra pages for writing notes for your planned healthy activities, grocery list, and your goals for the week along with blank pages to journal your successes and challenges as you improve your health and become happier.
Use this journal to get in the habit of setting aside time in your day to practice healthy habits and journal about it.