Whether we realize it or not, life is a great teacher. Living Learning Leadership draws from definitions, examples, and daily life. Some of our greatest teaching moments are found in the simplicity of living. Facets of this work are influenced by business, biblical reference, family, and ministry. Through these pages, some may find treasures and notes of what works, what doesn't, and with whom. The challenge may possibly be to learn and embrace the many lessons all around us. Assessment and resetting are important components of our process. Having the courage to proceed is also a much-needed part.
There are some factors that cause an organization to thrive and develop a noteworthy legacy. Other characters are inclined to lead to overnight or one-shot wonders with no formidability. The presence, the style, and the active input of leadership are vital. These ingredients are able to bring a group together. A group that will function with a common, focused goal and achievement. Likewise, in contrast and comparison, with a lack or disproportion of these ingredients, the productive result tends to be dysfunction. This dysfunction breeds distorted goals, a lack of communication and confusion of purpose, disinterest, laissez-faire actions and attitudes, and the possible failure of an organization, venue, event or even a family.
Success and favor can be in our future if we utilize the lessons and tools we have been given well.