你一定要懂的字彙570──Speedy Mastery of Academic Vocabulary
註釋香港大學語言系教授馬思帆教授 (Prof. Stephen Matthews) 香港城市大學英文系主任暨教育發展及精進教育處副署長羅得仁教授 (Prof. Rodney Jones) 極力推薦 書如其名,《你一定要懂的字彙570》。 紐西蘭語言學者Professor Averil Coxhead曾做一項全球性調查,總結了570個你一生中必須要懂的570個英文字。本書四位學者,則總其大成,集合展現了這570個英文字的解釋、語態、讀音、用法,附以例句等等。 只要你肯學,必有所成。 Chapter 1. Verbs Chapter 2. Nouns Chapter 3. Adjectives Chapter 4. Adverbs Chapter 5. Conjunctions Chapter 6. Prepositions “Here at last we have an English book which will teach every learner something new, and which will not bore the reader to tears. Informed by linguistic thinking and compiled by an A-team of authors, this book provides just the kind of vocabulary that students need for university studies in English.” Professor Stephen Matthews, Professor of Linguistics, School of Humanities, The University of Hong Kong “This book will certainly be a valuable resource for all tertiary students in Hong Kong. Writing academic English, with its range of specialized vocabulary and distinctive stylistic features, is a challenge, even for very accomplished English speakers. The authors of this book provide a wealth of examples, explained and illustrated in context, to help students gain a command of this register. The book can be used as both a study guide and a reference when writing papers and other kinds of assignments. I heartily congratulate the authors on this timely and innovative book.” Professor Rodney Jones, Acting Head, Department of English Associate Director, Office of Education Development and Gateway Education City University of Hong Kong