Decently and In Order

Seminary taught me to be a pastor, but the Army taught me to be a leader! 

We live in a broken, fallen world which does not work exactly the way God originally intended. Instead of being a well-ordered and totally functional environment like the perfect, Holy God who created it, the world in which we live often manifests its brokenness by descending into near chaos. Unless action is taken to correct the decline, all aspects of our world descend towards chaos, and our ministry efforts are no exception.

The military forces of the United States operate in a harsh environment that does not tolerate failure. Whether it is rescuing hostages from a terrorist camp, flying high-performance aircraft in all types of weather, operating nuclear power-plants, or even just feeding its troops in an austere field location, military operations must succeed because the price of failure is too high. Therefore, the military has developed excellent schemes for ensuring the success of events and operations. Without a doubt, the U.S. military knows how to operate in every clime and every country across the world. Anyone who wants to be successful in leading any kind of team, operation, or event can do no better than to learn how to operate the way the military does.

The purpose of this book is not to turn churches into armies or ministry volunteers into soldiers but to provide a powerful tool, which used appropriately in context, can help any church or ministry conduct their operations effectively and efficiently. In short, do not be afraid because these techniques originated in a military context; your author’s personal experience of using them in ministry revealed them to be valuable and effectual.