Brother Termite
註釋First Cousin Brother Reen, chief of staff, is not happy about the rioters outside, or the graffiti by the West Wing stairs, or his secretary's brightly colored new blouse. Humans are chaotic. So many crises now, and so little time left. Germany plans to invade China, but President Womack is more interested in attending seances and ordering pizza. Cousins have been kidnapped, but all the FBI and CIA do is accuse each other. Tali and even the Sleep Master are furious with Reen. His beloved Marian still cannot forgive him for ruining her life. But Angela - Angela is Reen's greatest worry. For what world awaits her, their Cousin-human daughter, when both Cousins and humans are no more? Patricia Anthony mixes Washington politics and the numbing horror of mind control to tell a tale, at once comical and dark, of treachery, guilt, and self-sacrificing love.