The Fundamentals of Kootaneeti

Kootaneeti, the Vedic Art of Strategic Living, is a nearly lost Vedic art and science for leaders originally designed to promote the right use of power. For centuries, its teachings helped build sagely empires and create social wellbeing, prosperity and lasting peace. Kootaneeti focuses on how to use the intellect to convert difficulties into strengths by understanding the workings of the human mind. Its teachings can be utilized in adverse situations where the wrong use of power as well as resources prevail and new opportunities remain unrecognized. 

Both individuals and institutions can benefit from learning the fundamentals of Kootaneeti to neutralize opposition and develop new strategies by special insights and astute efforts. In an age of social, economic, and political uncertainty, Kootaneeti is a useful tool to prepare leaders to address the new challenges involved and achieve their objectives in a sustainable manner.

U. Mahesh Prabhu is a seasoned media, management and political consultant who has been researching this subject for over a decade in Vedic texts and teaching it worldwide, along with Dr David Frawley, an internationally renowned and honoured Acharya of Vedic knowledge on many levels. The book presents the ancient secrets of Kootaneeti in a subtle and simple way with practical insights, stories, and parables. The book will not only entertain and educate but will also enlighten you.