Lives Paris Took
註釋Rachael Golike has never met her great-uncle, David. He died when she was six months old. But cleaning out her grandparent's home, she stumbles across an almost thirty year old letter-unaddressed and ambiguous. Due to emotions she herself could not name, Rachael found that she has a desperate need to solve the mystery. She slowly unearths David's old secrets and probes the recesses of family memory, all the while keeping secrets of her own. Sixty years ago an explosive argument catapulted David from his father's world to teach at the Sorbonne in Paris, where by chance he met the charismatic and mysterious Frenchman and began a romance with Catherine: bold, sensuous, and a born dreamer. In between teaching at the Sorbonne, Catherine whisks David around Europe. After twenty years David's life shatters from two separate betrayals. He is left penniless and broken with no other option that to return home. Though he finds solace in teaching, David keeps his secrets of his life in Paris, keeps them long enough that they go with him to the grave. Lives Paris Took is a story about a real family and a love that transcended time. Straddling life and death, country boundaries, and cultural divides, it is a novel which questions responsibilities and the bonds that, once forged, are never truly broken.