
******Relaunched Version******

The aliens arrived on Earth, and transformed our lives with just seven words; “You will change, or you will die.” These visitors were fearful that humans would eventually export our way of resolving conflicts to our intergalactic neighbors. Hoping to prevent this, they sealed off the entire planet in a massive isolation device. But confining us in this way has doomed us to almost certain death.

Between the human race and our unwelcome guests stands an extraordinary family, who may be able to save humanity from this fate. Lark Wright, their youngest member, has incredible abilities. But this information has been kept hidden by the family, as they fear she may be taken from them and exploited. This secret is revealed, however when Lark uses one of her astounding gifts to gain an audience with our other-worldly jailers. Her heartfelt plea on behalf of humankind secures for us a compromise, which has astonishing implications.

Will humans survive this concession by the aliens? Will they triumph over their new normal?