AUM: The Melody of Love
註釋AUM—Omnipotent Force Propelling Souls toward Spirit

We have all heard of the sacred word AUM, and heard it chanted as a mantra by meditators. But what is AUM, and what does it signify? Author Joseph Cornell, of Sharing Nature and Flow Learning, in AUM: The Melody of Love takes readers on a journey into the deeper teachings of AUM and the blissful realizations that await those who access this expansive sound vibration.

Seek the sound that never ceases. The winds of God's grace constantly flow into this world through Holy AUM. The Sacred Sound has many names, and mystics of all religions revere it. Just as light is intrinsic to a lighted lamp, the sound of AUM is integral to the presence of Spirit. God's nature is bliss, and to share His joy, He created the universe through Cosmic Vibration. The sound of the Cosmic Vibration is AUM, and listening to it brings the greatest bliss imaginable. It's the sacred, inner fire. As you approach the cosmic blaze, you feel at first its radiant, soothing comfort; then, as you come closer—AUM's liberating flames consume you—and bring you to God.