Bedside Clinics in Orthopedics

Ward Round

  • Casting Materials and Orthopedic Casts
  • Dressing Materials
  • Orthopedic Strappings, Bandages and Slings
  • Orthopedic Tractions and their Equipment
  • Patients on External Fixators in Ward
  • Miscellaneous Ward Equipment

Instruments and Implants

  • Tourniquet and Esmarch's Bandage
  • General Surgical Instruments
  • Surgical Retractors and Bone Levers
  • Bone Cutting and Related Instruments
  • Bone and Plate Holding Instruments
  • Bone Piercing Instruments and Screwdrivers
  • SS-wire and K-wire Handling Instruments
  • Miscellaneous Orthopedic Instruments
  • Special Instruments for Plating and Nailing
  • Key Instruments for DHS & DCS and Hip Hemiarthroplasty
  • Key Instruments for Spine Surgery
  • Key Instruments for Arthroscopy
  • Pins, Wires and Tension Band Wiring
  • Orthopedic Screws
  • Orthopedic Plating
  • Orthopedic Nailing
  • Special Implants around Hip
  • Spinal Implantation
  • Osteotomy Fixation and Epiphysiodesis Implants
  • Arthroplasty Implants
  • Special Implants for Arthrodesis and External Fixators
  • Miscellaneous Materials

Orthopedic Radiographs and Review of Imaging Modalities

  • Radiographs of Fractures
  • Radiographs of Common Bone Tumors
  • Radiographs of Infective and Rheumatic Disorders
  • Radiographs of Common Metabolic Disorders
  • Radiographic Identification of Common Regional Disorders
  • Review of imaging modalities in Orthopedics

Table of Orthosis and Prosthesis

  • Basics about Orthosis and Prosthesis
  • Lower Limb Orthosis
  • Upper Limb Orthosis
  • Spinal Orthosis
  • Lower Limb Prosthesis
  • Upper Limb Prosthesis
  • Mobility Aids for Patients

Table of Bones and Specimen

  • Basics about Bones and Joints
  • Bones and Joints of Upper Limb
  • Bones and Joints of Lower Limb
  • Bones and Joints of spine
  • Specimen Section

Orthopedic Surgical Approaches

  • Shoulder and Arm
  • Distal Arm, Elbow and Proximal Forearm
  • Forearm, Wrist and Hand
  • Spine
  • Pelvis, Hip and Thigh
  • Distal Thigh, Knee, and Proximal Leg
  • Leg, Ankle and Foot

Review of Orthopedic Surgeries

  • Common Orthopaedic Nailing and Plating
  • Miscellaneous Trauma Procedures
  • Principle of Osteotomy and Arthrodesis
  • Principle of Total Arthroplasty

Operation Theater and Sterilization

  • Operation Theater Structure, Equipment and Drugs
  • Principles of Sterilization
  • Before Starting the Surgery