註釋Comprises typescript family tree of Daryl Lindsay (1950's or 1960's); photograph, ca. 1910, of man and woman posing in costume; typescript speech "The opening of Daryl Lindsay's exhibition of water-colour drawings", undated, and annotated to imply the speech was read by Sir Henry Newland; aerogramme, 30 June 1946, to Daryl from Sir Sydney Cockerell in Surrey; correspondence, 1968-1969, from accountants Shepard, Webster & O'Neill regarding tax returns of Daryl Lindsay and Lady Joan a'Beckett Lindsay; correspondence from solicitors Nevett, Glenn & Coutts regarding the estate of Mary Lindsay; correspondence, 1969-1971, from the Commonwealth Art Advisory Board, the National Capital Planning Committee, and the Prime Minister (William McMahon); colour published reproductions of two paintings by Daryl Lindsay, "500 miles to go" and "Big Bob"; in excess of 50 press cuttings regarding Daryl Lindsay, 1920's-1960's; and pen and ink caricature by Daryl entitled "Don Quixote".