Women in Colonial Java in Pramoedya A. Toer’s Select Novels

Debates surrounding rights and freedoms in colonial Java at the turn of the twentieth century have ignited discussions on gender issues. During this period, Java faced dual colonization, first by the Dutch invaders externally and then by the priyayi internally. This study aims to explore women’s quest for identity through an analysis of Pramoedya A. Toer’s two celebrated novels, “This Earth of Mankind” and “The Girl from the Coast.” It specifically delves into their experiences of marginalization and resistance within the framework of colonial and feudal rules in Java. The investigation seeks to illuminate the colonial state’s policies, aristocratic power dynamics, and gender politics that either include or exclude indigenous women.

By employing close reading and interpretive analysis, this study observes the circumstances, characters, and gender discourse within the novels. It integrates ideas from postcolonial and feminist lenses proposed by eminent scholars in the field. Through these analytical lenses, the study has identified that both novels portray female protagonists striving to forge new identities. They find themselves under the dominance of higher powers—namely, the white colonizers, the feudal lords, and the male figures. However, within the novels, Pramoedya Ananta Toer presents an unusual female image diverging from prevailing social discourses, one characterized by rebellious fervor that challenges discriminatory social norms. In this context, the marginalization and resistance experienced by indigenous women signify the awakening of female consciousness in the struggle against the oppressive forces of colonialism and feudalism in the pre-independence Indonesia, particularly in Java.