The Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Today, God's overall plan for the church aligns us with His purpose and plan for the manifestation of the son of God, "To destroy the works of the devil"(1 John 3:8). This book, The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: To Destroy the Works of the Devil, is about God's path for our lives to the church and purpose for our lives within the church.

"Devil" simply means "liar." All Satan's machinations, strategies, atrocities, and crimes are built on his lies, however and whenever they are manifested.

The manifestation of God's truth in our lives vigorously counteracts the works of the liar. God's truth heals the devastating effects that these lies have had on us personally, our communities, and our society at large.

More than just a transmission of confusing facts and figures to let you know how smart I am, this book takes the truth of God's Word and helps you connect the dots with the intention of painting a clearer picture of your purpose in Christ as a son of God and therefore the purpose of the "Christ in you." The resulting portrait allows the reader to align our Christlike responsibility to work with God, with our Holy Ghost given gifts, abilities, and opportunities to motivate positive personal changes but also, collectively as sons of God, dynamic changes in our society...indeed-the world.