Building Strong Relationships with Ayurveda
註釋Building REAL relationships is so important today. We are distracted with our screens and work and so many things that are not nearly as important as the people in our lives. First our family, both immediate and those that are distant. Our friends, some of whom we have known a lifetime and some who we are just getting to know. The people we work with, we have no option but to find a way to work together even when we don't seem to "mesh". If you are like me, you would like to find a way to make these relationships smoother, especially with co-workers. The really important relationships, like the ones we build with our children and the ones we maintain with our parents and siblings are ones we would like to learn how to deepen. It starts with a decision to make ourselves better. To live healthier and more consciously to eat better and exercise, to practice more self care and understanding. When we do this for ourselves it opens our eyes and we see how we can be the change, we learn how to deepen our connections with the people in our lives and learn to reach out and use our talents where they are needed.