Supplement to the Edition of Shakspeare's Plays Published in 1778 by Samuel Johnson and George Steevens: Advertisement. Additional observations. Venus and Adonis. Rape of Lucrece. Sonnets. The passionate pilgrim. A lover's complaint.-v.2. Pericles. Locrine. Sir John Oldcastle. Lord Cromwell. The London prodigal. The puritan. A Yorkshire tragedy. Appendix
出版C. Bathurst; W. Strahan; J., F., and C. Rivington; J. Hinton; L. Davis; R. Horsfield; W. Owen; E. Johnson; S. Crowder; B. White; T. Longman; C. Dilly; T. Cadell; J. and T. Bowles; T. Lowndes; J. Robson; T. Payne; H.L. Gardener; J. Nichols; J. Bew; W. Cater; W. Stuart; F. Newbery; G. Robinson; R. Baldwin; T. Beecroft; J. Ridley; T. Evans; S. Hayes; and E. Johnson., 1780