註釋The purpose of this manual is to give all individuals hope that with God's help they can live clean and free from sexual sin. Further, this manual will improve individuals' ability to fight against Satan and to ignore temptations. Any person scarred, hurt, or suffering from consequences of sexual sin will find hope within the message of this manual. Those struggling with sexual temptation will receiveenlightenment and strength from heaven above and will learn to resist as they turn to God to helpthem apply the principles in this book. God will provide hope, healing, strength, and the ability to overcome. This manual turns readers to Him as the source for such healing and hope. The chapters of this manual will build understanding concerning the problem and the root causes of the problem. The tactics of the adversary will be analyzed. The reader will learn to develop discernment to recognize and overcome the adversary's lies. Readers will learn to gainstrength from God. They will develop the mental and emotional skills to resist temptation and to allow healing from heaven above. Readers will understand proper measures of their worth and the power of pure love. Readers' faith in Christ's death and suffering will increase. Overall, individualswill gain hope and learn to overcome sexual temptation and sin.