The Knowledge of U
註釋In the SECOND EDITION of Lynette Robbins' most popular workbook, YOU are invited on a journey that is life changing. I've personally experienced miracles and also witnessed miracles in those I've been honored to coach, nurture and guide on their pathway toward fulfilling their dreams. Your yellow brick road has already been prepared for you once you say what you want. Your personal energy and insight open the doors to your dreams. If you can dream it, it is possible. Crystallize the dream and "The Knowledge of U" becomes your thought guide. Follow your yellow brick road to the destination of your heart's desires. Be careful what you wish for - it is on its way to you. Focus on easy thoughts that draw to you more of what you want. Be cautious of thoughts filled with complaints as they attract more of the same. Drop thoughts that cause you to look down. We have the power to think, feel, create, become, love, and succeed. It all begins with requesting what you want, then relax and prepare to receive all that is on its way to you. Your time and energy are too precious and powerful to waste on things that could bring you down. YOU have the power to lift your world up. Gratitude is the key as it attracts more of the same. Stop, sit still, listen. You'll hear echoes of past thoughts and the pounding of future worries. Be in the NOW for a moment and see your time stand still. It will you know... Decide each day to live life on your own terms and make those terms exceedingly positive. Choose to spend each priceless moment in the service of your highest values. YOU are precious. There is only one you. Take time, as you journey through this book, to think, feel and dream. Write down a thought here and there. The more clarity you can think of, the quicker your dreams will come true.