David Halpern on Nudging
註釋About this Podcast, Placing more nutritious food on a more visible shelf, informing lagging taxpayers that their neighbors have already paid, or asking job seekers what they plan to do next week (instead of what they did--or didn't--do last week): These are all well-known examples of behavioral spurs known as "nudges." Much of the reason such examples are known is because they emanate from the work of the Behavioural Insights Team--the so-called nudge unit. The UK government set up the unit in 2010 (two years after Cass R. Sunstein and Richard H. Thaler's Nudge was published) to address "everyday" policy challenges where human behavior was a key component.Experimental psychologist David Halpern, the unit's chief executive, has led the team since its inception and through its limited privatization in 2014. In this podcast, Halpern offers interviewer David Edmonds a quick primer on nudging, examples of nudges that worked (and one that didn't), how nudging differs between the United Kingdom and the United States, and the interface of applied nudging and academic behavioral science.