The Genius of Justice
註釋There are geniuses in every field of work and all walks of life. Throughout my life, I have seen the geniuses of justice at work in this nation and in faith communities. This book tells the stories of fifty-three "geniuses of justice." They are Conservative and Reform Jews, Mainline, Pentecostal, Evangelical and Catholic Christians, "spiritual but not religious," women, men; Black, brown, white, gay and straight, young and old. Each is a powerful witness for justice. Each has the "IT" factor of justice burning in their bones. How did they become who they are? What drives them to "do the right thing" on behalf of others that is translatable to anyone, anywhere? These geniuses of justice are "just folks" who are justice folk. They can empower and teach each of us to change the world right where we are. This book passes on their genius for justice to you to strengthen and empower you for "bending the moral arc of the universe" to justice. This book is for everyone to learn something that will empower them to change the world - in the place where they live and have power to make a difference.