
In every drop of blood a conversation takes place... a song gets played... a poem is read.
In every drop of blood a tale is told... a sin is paid for... a vision seen.
Scars were bloody once...
Reopened ones are bloody again.
Bloody reminders of the past now present.
Portals through time.
Dear past self, this is for you.
I've enjoyed our conversations.

About the Author:
Christopher Alexander Berg began writing in his early teens, mainly as a form of self-therapy. Through time, his writing became much more than a psychiatric reflection of one's self, and more of a life support system whenever he felt suicidal. Trading blood for ink, his war began... a personal war that targeted the world and everybody in it. It has been said that Berg "bleeds through his pen," but let's not forget how much he writes from his heart. Sometimes prophetic, sometimes sadistic... Berg indeed proves there's a fine line between genius and insanity... but where Berg is on this line, no one really knows.