
Thomas Hooker's "Putting on Christ " is a wonderful treatise on not only being ingrafted into Christ Jesus, but also how one kills sin, and lives for righteousness. He uses two main texts, the first being, “Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the LORD of hosts." (Mal. 3:1). Here he shows how people are ingrafted into Jesus’ mystical body, attaining the Christian's intimate bond with Christ, emphasizing the necessity of embracing Him for both justification and sanctification.

The second text is Romans 13:14, “But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.” Hooker argues that believers, regardless of their spiritual maturity, must continuously seek Christ's grace and power to fulfill divine commands and conquer personal failings. He employs the metaphor of clothing to illustrate the process of sanctification, suggesting that just as one dresses in garments, so must Christians clothe themselves in Christ to be prepared for godly duties and the day’s warfare against all the powers of darkness; day by day, step by step.

The work explores the hazards of yielding to fleshly desires, presenting a clear directive for believers to abstain from creating opportunities for sin to thrive, and instead, taking off the old man and putting on Christ in the new man. Hooker passionately directs the believer to cultivate a life marked by humility, complete submission to God's will, and an unyielding dependency on Holy Spirit assistance. Deeply anchored in biblical teachings, he offers Christians a pathway to living out their salvation with diligence and grace.

Annexed to this work is Hooker's sermon at the funeral of Mr. Wilmott, in which he offers a heartfelt tribute to godly ministers as spiritual guardians and champions of faith. He underscores their critical role in guiding the congregation towards prayer, repentance, and adherence to God's Word.

Through this work, Hooker presents a compelling call to Christians to cultivate a life deeply rooted in Christ, continually drawing on God’s strength to navigate the spiritual walk and uphold the mission of the church militant while they live in this world. It serves as a reminder of the continuous need for sanctification and the pivotal role of faith, obedience, and daily communion with Christ in the believer's life.