What's the Bloody Point of it All?

‘To thine own self be true!’ These words light up the imagination of previously quiet student Stella Tranter in conformist mid-1970s London.

Throwing herself into a study of the arts and philosophy, she embarks on a quest to find out exactly what they mean. She reads Nietzsche. She gets into punk. She falls in love. None of these works out quite as expected, however…

Maybe what she really wants is just to be grown-up… She settles down in pleasant, tree-lined Dulwich with unimaginative but well-meaning Bobby.

Is this really her? Her discontent begins to grow. The opportunity for escape presents itself. It proves irresistible – but costly. Freedom, she discovers, can be lonely and terrifying. It can destroy as well as liberate.

This is a snappily written, witty but also serious 40,000 word novella about culture, ideas, love, music (punk and Mozart), making choices, and the fact that authenticity is not an easy option.

"Clever, intriguing," said prizewinning novelist Dame Beryl Bainbridge about this book, adding, "Stella is an excellent voice."