SuperPower: The Ability to Fly or to Become Invisible: The Golden Eagle Has Yielded (Book #3)

The Third Book of the SuperPower Series


“SuperPower The Ability to Fly or to Become Invisible: The Golden Eagle has Yielded” begins at the memorial service for the Steele brothers. The Martin twins and their paramours pay their respects to their adversaries who died in front of them on their way to a life-time incarceration.

Encountering the treachery and blatant lies from the Steele family, Myrena Gorgona a SuperPower SuperModel forms a new feminine SuperPower organization she calls the “Lemnian Deeds Federation.” She opposes the two male dominated, operated SuperPower groups: the DODGE (Department of Defense Genetically Engineered) Initiative and the ‘Golden Eagle’ Organization. The Lemnian Deeds welcomes all SuperPowered individuals and non-SuperPower females as the non-SuperPower males survive as domesticated servants.


-How does the DODGE Initiative and their adversary the ‘Golden  Eagle’ Organization deal with Myrena Georgia and her new ‘Lemnian Deeds’ Federation?’


-Follow the new recruits of the ‘Lemnian Deeds’ Federation  having new  SuperPower abilities and experiences.


-Does the old adage “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”  hold true?