Table manners play an important part in making a favorable impression. They are visible signals of your manners, and therefore, are essential to professional success. Whether having lunch with a prospective employer or dinner with a business associate, your manners speak volumes about you, your social skills and confidence, leaving a lasting impression-good or bad. Therefore being familiar with the rules of dining etiquette and the manners at the dining table can help to increase your professionalism in unfamiliar situations.
Organizations anxious on how you will conduct yourself when meeting with clients and higher-ups in the company, as they need to be firmly convinced that you can represent them in social settings with customers, clients’ colleagues and competitors.
This practical guide: Dining Etiquette & Table Manners will help you learn step by step, the right ways to carry and conduct yourself professionally at any event or at the dining table enabling you gain all the confidence required and stand out in a highly positive manner.