Gender Issues in Scandinavian Music Education

Gender Issues in Scandinavian Music Education: From Stereotypes to Multiple Possibilities introduces much-needed updates to research and teaching philosophies that envision new ways of considering gender diversity in music education. This volume of essays by Scandinavian contributors looks beyond the dominant Anglo-American lens while confronting a universal need to resist and rethink the gender stereotypes that limit a young person’s musical development. Addressing issues at all levels of music education—from primary and secondary schools to conservatories and universities— topics discussed include:

  • the intersection of social class, sexual orientation, and teachers’ beliefs;
  • gender performance in the music classroom and its effects on genre and instrument choice;
  • hierarchical inequalities reinforced by power and prestige structures;
  • strategies to fulfill curricular aims for equality and justice that meet the diversity of the classroom;
  • and much more!

Representing a commitment to developing new practices in music education that subvert gender norms and challenge heteronormativity, Gender Issues in Scandinavian Music Education fills a growing need to broaden the scope of how gender and equality are situated in music education—in Scandinavia and beyond.