Corporate Finance, Policy, and Management
註釋Contents: [1] Future ship design. Revolutionary innovation in a fiscally constrained environment -- Systems engineering in naval ship design -- Total ship open system architecture -- Humans and machines as dual elements of complex systems. [2] Warfare/CS. Warfighter needs in the 21st century: linking fleet operations to required capabilities -- Seeing through the fog: training for dominant battlespace knowledge with the system-of-systems -- Water barrier ship self-defense lethality -- Infrared imaging of phased array radar antenna emissions establishing an end-to-end radar system diagnostic tool. [3] Ship design. A new submarine design paradigm -- The seacoaster air-assisted catamaran -- Trimaran hullform demonstrator high speed data acquisition system. [4] Safety/environment. Use of polymeric surfacant infused substrates in removal of emulsions and aromatic hydrocarbons from aqueous wastestreams -- Want energy conservation? Try incentive -- Overcoming the challenges: fire protection of the strategic sealift cargo holds. [5] Logistics. The measure of performance in logistics acquisition -- Navy Omni-Directional Vehicle (ODV) development: where the rubber meets the deck -- Prototype demonstration of a stern embarkation platform for the AOE 6 class: a navy/industry partnership. [6] Ship construction. The shipbuilder and supervisor: partners in naval ship construction -- Marine forensics for naval architects and marine engineers -- The USS Constitution ship information book: a means to keep history alive -- Reliability-based Load and Resistance Factor Design (LFRD) of hull girders for surface ships. [7] Shipboard equipment/HM&E. Evolution of the Landing Period Designator (LPD) for shipboard air operations -- Tornado effect pump in the fleet: status report -- Thermoacoustic cooling for surface combatants. [8] Modeling/reliability. Next-generation architecture to support simulation-based acquisition -- Risk management in total system ship design -- A reliability-based determination of economic life of marine power plants -- Probabilistic fatigue life prediction for ship structures using fracture mechanics.