The Pulpit Guarded With XVII Arguments Proving The Unlawfulness, Sinfulness and Danger of Suffering Private Persons to Take Upon Them Publike Preaching, and Expounding the Scriptures Without a Call; as Being Contrary to the Word of God, Contrary to the Practice of All Reformed Churches, Contrary to the Three and Twentieth Article of Reli- Gion, Contrary to Two Ordinances of Parliament, and Contrary to the Judgement of a Whole Jury of Learned, Judicious, Pious Divines, Both Forraign and Domestick. Occasioned by a Dispute at Henly in Arden in Warwick-shire, Aug. 20. 1650. Against {Lawrence Williams, a Nailor-Publike-Preacher. Tho. Palmer, a Baker-Preacher. Tho. Hinde, a Plough-Wright-Publike-Preacher, Henry Oakes, a Weaver-Preacher. Hum. Rogers, (lately) a Bakers Boy-Publike-Preacher. Here You Have All Their Arguments (never Yet Compiled in One Tract) Refelled and Answered Many Texts of Scripture Cleared, the Quintessence and Marrow of Most of Our Modern Authors (in Reference to this Controversie Collect- Ed, with References to Such Authors as Clear Any Doubt More Fully; Many Incident Cases Resolved, the Utmost Extent of Lay-mens Using Their Gifts in Eleven Particulars Demon- Strated, and Above Thirty Objections Answered. In the Close are Added Six Arguments, to Prove Our Ministers Free from Antichristianism. ... (4 Lines) Composed and Compiled by a Friend of Truth and Peace
出版J. Cottrel, 1651