A Voice in the Wilderness

A Voice in the Wildernessincludes some of Joseph Bayly's most remembered work as well as lesser known selections. His gift for afflicting the comfortable is evident as he prods comfortable Christians in his "Out of My Mind" columns; the parables, including "How Silently, How Silently"; and the last sermon he preached, "Is Holiness Possible Today?" Equally powerful are his words that comfort the afflicted, including "When a Child Dies", and selections from The Last Thing We Talk About.

Whether you've loved Joe Bayly's work for decades, or you're new to his writing, you'll find each selection as searching, timely, and fresh as when it was written--often ahead of its time.

"Joe Bayly was my mentor and role model as a writer, thinker, and Christian. His influence--through his stories and his life (I especially remember Easter sunrise services in the Bayly backyard with our singles group)--continues to keep me determined to be utterly realistic and resolutely redemptive.- Marshall Shelly, Vice President of Editorial, Christianity Today, Inc.

"If I could ad one name to the list of heroes in Hebrews 11, it would be Joe Bayly's. This book will remind you of what it means for a man to hold to a faith that everyone around him knows is the real thing."- Joel Belz, CEO, World Magazine and God's World Publications