A Free Nation in Our Land

Israel is one of the greatest historical marvels of our world. The people of Israel returned to their land after 2000 years of exile, dispersed among hundreds of countries, and revived not only their national sovereignty, but also their language and culture. Yet, Israel is also a country faced with the most serious of challenges faced by a nation today.

To face these challenges, Israel requires policies based on a coherent world view. In this book, Illouz seeks to promote a world view based on freedom, national pride, and a love for the land of Israel. This will enable Israel to live up to the lofty goal set in its national anthem: to be "A Free Nation in Our Land".

The writer looks at the various challenges facing Israel and suggests policy solutions based on this values-based, conservative approach.

The book is based mostly on articles written by the author in various newspapers in the past 5 years and thus represents the culmunation of years of research and thoughtful analysis.