50 Shades of China

50 Shades of China

This bundle features the two titles CHINA BEST BEHAVED COUNTRY and CHINA MOST MISBEHAVED COUNTRY and includes a bundle-exclusive additional chapter. Combine the BEST and the MOST to discover Chinese etiquette in all its 50 Shades!

CHINA BEST BEHAVED COUNTRY - A guide to Chinese etiquette

This is Cultureshocking News: China is the BEST behaved country in the world. How is it possible? Why is it BEST? And how we gonna deal with that? The intercultural encounter with China is a challenge. Prime your pump in your business, travel, study or politics mission. This book is for the noob all the way to the expert, offering

enlightening insight on Chinese etiquette ("The China Sparkle", "China: A Maze")hands-on examples ("The story of the wedding couple's gift", "The story of the couple who got drunk")and expert solutions ("Pro Mode", "Pro Mode 2")

Learn why it's best to know that you don't know... and still go pro. Boost your Three T's as in Talks, Trust & Timing with a focus chapter on communication. This guide to Chinese etiquette gives you all the essentials from a fresh and entertaining perspective.

Check out the preview for more! (The preview of the stand-alone version offers an even closer glimpse of the content; also available in this store)

CHINA MOST MISBEHAVED COUNTRY - A guide to Chinese etiquette

A comedy complement to the unconventional CHINA BEST BEHAVED COUNTRY, this guide to Chinese etiquette goes pop and punk with stereotypes, images and the fear of using them both. It offers you concrete scenarios in colorful anecdotes.

Check out the preview for more! (The preview of the stand-alone version offers an even closer glimpse of the content; also available in this store)

Other titles by Jiu Ling @ GooglePlay