Benjamin Lincoln to James Bowdoin about Firing Cannon at Insurgents, 27 January 1787
註釋Written from Brookfield, likely in Massachusetts. Marked copy. Relates how he led his troops to the aid of General Shepard. Writes, Gen'l Sheppard expects hourly an attack by the whole force of the Insurgents:- Shays marched with the party under his immediate command, about as is said: one thousand yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock to the front of the Magazine; General Sheppard sent an officer to him to warn him of his danger if he passed over a certain line, which was described; Shays laughed at the information & continued his march until he approached within a few yards of the line; then halted for a moment or two & then again moved: the moment he passed the line described Gen'l Sheppard ordered a Field piece fixed in a different direction from the party, in hopes to deter them from progressing further, but it had no affect; he then fired two field pieces into their column, which dispersed them. Explains that three of Shays' men were killed and several were injured, but he and Shepard still expect an attack. Also refers to an enclosed letter (not present) from several Shays supporters who want to make a compromise with the government.