21st Century U.S. Military Manuals
The United States Army Functional Concept for Intelligence - TRADOC 525-2-1 - Covering Full-Spectrum Operations, Cyber, WMD, and Entry
出版Amazon Digital Services LLC - KDP Print US, 2018-04-22
主題History / Military / United StatesPolitical Science / Intelligence & Espionage
註釋Functional Concept for Intelligence, 2016-2028, describes what the Army must do to develop forces capable of conducting intelligence collection, analysis, and dissemination in support of commanders and facilitate understanding of the operational environment, the enemy, terrain, and civil considerations in support of military operations. It serves as a foundation for future force development pertaining to intelligence and the intelligence warfighting function. In addition to the warfighting challenges of the future, the Army also faces a number of institutional challenges. The rapid pace of technological change, prolonged acquisition timelines, and growing resource constraints make it necessary for the Army to adopt a more responsive approach to capabilities development. Accordingly, TRADOC is shifting from a 5-year to a 2-year cycle for concept development and revision. As a result, the Army Capabilities Integration Center will update and revise the entire Army Concept Framework every 2 years. This significant change will enable more effective input into the major budget and programming decisions across our Army. Chapter 1 * Introduction * 1-1. Purpose * 1-2. Background * 1-3. The operational environment * 1-4. The intelligence warfighting function * 1-5. Assumptions * 1-6. Linkage to the Army capstone concept * 1-7. Linkage to the AOC * 1-8. Linkage to the human dimension * 1-9. References * 1-10. Explanations of abbreviations and terms * Chapter 2 * Military Problem and Components of the Solution * 2-1. Military problem * 2-2. Solution synopsis * 2-3. Future force Army intelligence components of the solution * Chapter 3 * Core Operational Actions * 3-1. Introduction * 3-2. Conduct security force assistance * 3-3. Shaping and entry operations * 3-4. Intertheater and intratheater operational maneuver * 3-5. Full-spectrum operations * 3-6. Conduct overlapping protection operations * 3-7. Distributed support and sustainment * 3-8. Network-enabled mission command * Chapter 4 * Conclusion * 4-1. Summary * 4-2. Closing * Appendix A * References * Section I * Required Publications * Section II * Related Publications * Appendix B * Required Capabilities * B-1. ACC intelligence required capabilities * B-2. AOC intelligence required capabilities * B-3. First order required capabilities (what intelligence needs to do) * B-4. Second order: what intelligence needs from other warfighting functions * B-5. Other warfighting function dependencies on intelligence * B-6. Required capabilities to support rule of law outside the continental U.S. (OCONUS) * B-7. Support to IO required capabilities * B-8. Support to cyber operations required capabilities * B-9. Support to combating WMD required capabilities * Appendix C * Intelligence Echelons * C-1. Intelligence community * C-2. Division and above intelligence organizations * C-3. Army intelligence capabilities brigade and below * Appendix D * ARSOF Intelligence * D-1. Introduction * D-2. Intelligence structure * D-3. Military problem and intelligence * D-4. ARSOF lines of effort * D-5. ARSOF intelligence required capabilities and dependencies * Appendix E * Homeland Defense and Civil Support Intelligence * E-1. Introduction * E-2. Background * E-3. Operational Environment * E-4. Integrated theater Army intelligence enterprise mission * E-5. Concept of operations * E-6. Required capabilities * Appendix F * Intelligence Future DOTMLPF Considerations * F-1. Introduction * F-2. Doctrine * F-3. Organizational * F-4. Training * F-5. Materiel * F-6. Leadership and education * F-7. Personnel * F-8. Facilities * F-9. Homeland defense and civil support * F-10. Intelligence sharing * Glossary * Section I * Abbreviations * Section II * Terms * Section III * Special Terms As a bonus, this reproduction includes the complete 2012 Army Leadership manual (FM 6-22).