註釋Diet is an organized meal plan with full of healthy foods in the forms of a selective menu for the purpose of good health or as a therapy of a single disease or multiple diseases. So diet is a part of total nutrition well planned, balanced & organized for a disease or disorder not only human beings but also for an animal. Even there is no medical condition or disease but still, there is an importance of diet which usually combinations of all healthy foods and drinks. Foods both the states, solids, and liquids are categorized into three major groups as nutrients 1) Carbohydrate 2) Protein 3)Fat in addition to these, essential and non-essential minerals, water and fat soluble vitamins and last but not the least, water. Diet plan/chart is usually prepared by the dietitian with the help of respective calories of foods (foods values) as per Food Composition Data (source: FAO) Decades back, there was no such popularity or familiarity of diet therapy among people rather physicians used to advise to all the patients in their respective treatment protocol whether homeopathy or allopathy. Although amongst all therapies, Ayurveda comes later or often ignored, still recommends foods as medicine. This is such a therapy always based on natural products like foods, spices, condiments, leaves or other plants sources. Since last two decades, people all across the world have been getting affected more lifestyles diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, thyroid disorders, asthma, arthritis, menstrual irregularities and majorly obesity. Apart from these common lifestyles diseases, there are more than 500 other diseases by which we are often suffering & looking for safe medicines. More or less, so-called western medicines are having a contraindication or side effects, hence considering 'foods as medicines' probably the best approach. In fact, since the last two decades, dietitians with the collaboration of physicians have been doing good, creating awareness, trying to put their best efforts to apply diet therapy for most of the diseases. Undoubtedly, nowadays diet is so popular & has got a distinct role, better to say, it is a mandatory therapy in addition to western medicine protocol or therapy for the majority of the disease all around the world.As per WHO, United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF), Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), a total healthy nutrition and balanced diet is utmost important for some disease like Anemia, AIDS, Bell's Palsy & Cerebral Palsy ,Cancer, Hepatitis & other chronic liver disease, Chikungunya, Dengue, Diabetes etc. In this book (Vol-1), we have mainly discussed of these diseases about the use of diet compiling all the useful foods available nearby at our home. In this 1st volume, alphabetically we have just considered some common & few other diseases which are often diagnosed in India and other countries as well. This book is all about the brief introduction of disease, basic causes, symptoms, risk factors, initial tests to detect and above all the preventive measures only through basic nutrition in the form of dietary management at home without so much of cost.We must remember that foods always important because some foods are the root causes of so many diseases and some foods as medicines for all of us. So in a word 'food as medicine'.