註釋We work in healthcare, an industry focused on quality, safety and patient care. The stakes can be high and the challenges all too real - at times literally a "matter of life or death." Hospital departments demand effective patient flow to operate safely and efficiently. We all want, and seek to build, environments where our people - talented, trained and motivated healthcare team members - can focus on their mission of delivering superior health care and service. The systems and processes in place must facilitate, rather than hinder, the attainment of these goals. Lean provides a philosophy, an approach, and effective tools to advance and enhance our work on all levels.The book is a compilation of lean experiences and advice from nearly 30 lean experts. It covers a broad base of healthcare services within and beyond the walls of the hospital. It offers practical tips to help you break down barriers to getting lean in your organization. It's the perfect reference book for someone who needs to understand what lean is about, how to make it work, how to overcome road blocks and how to gain buy-in.