Life Planning God's Way


God's plan for your life will lead you into a life of abundance, balance, and blessings.

Wondering through life in our own strength and plan not only causes us to end up in dead places, but it leaves us feeling hopeless, drained, discouraged. If you are a person who knows that there is greater for your life and has taken every route that you believed was going to be beneficial yet, it landed you back at square one, just stop, breathe, and let go.

Your time has arrived! Andrea Hudson Johnson helps you to understand that it is okay to have your own plan for your life, but placing your plan in the hand of the Almighty God will become the master of any plan you can imagine. God said in His Word that He has "plans" to prosper you and not harm you; He plans to give you hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11).

In Life Planning God's Way, Andrea will help you create practical steps that will help and encourage you to align your life with God's fulfilling plan that was designed specifically for you. These practical sections will help you:

  • Envision your life through the lens of God so that you have a clear-eyed vision of your God-given life path.
  • Find your God-given purpose so that the rest of your life will be fulfilling and peaceful.
  • Identify areas of your life that need attention and organization according to the will of God.
  • Discover your true identity in Christ so that the true power of God and freely flow through your life.
  • Develop and demonstrate godly character according to Scripture, expressed through how you should show up in the world becoming the best version of yourself.